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Beau and Elliot decide to speed things up while Alex and Todd cannot resist anymore as they feel each other for the first time. Meanwhile, Kevin gets in the middle of Jay and Max to feel two juicy parts a gay experience can give at the same time. The five guests make love until everyone climaxes. Well... Almost everyone...


And finally, the main conflict of the story appears. We are in the final stretch to the climax. We are glad you are liking the story so far! Expect a mix of hot and dramatic scenes 👀 

Also, let us know your thoughts on those internal shots! We're still figuring out the final style we will use for those :D

-Kahl, Emi




the scar kiss! todd/alex OTP <33


for the internal shots, i've always thought the "silhouetted" dick look is best just showing the outline/impression of it inside, the full on x-ray style comes off a bit goofy imo but it's all personal preference~


Thanks for your opinion on the internals Kitti :D! We will do some tests with the "silhouetted" ones! <3


This was actually a great idea from Enigma, another patron. We owe them that beautiful detail we just had to add :3