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I have completed writing Climbing the Ladder - The Second Rung (aka CTL2). It consists of 52 chapters and approximately 327,000 words. I will post it to Bookapy on December 15, 2022, and I will begin posting to SOL on January 15, 2023.

The next book to be published will be Good Medicine - Medical School IV. I do not yet have an ETA for Bookapy or SOL, but it will likely be Spring 2023. 

I am continuing to write A Well-Lived Life - Book 5 - The Pumpkin Patch, but it is only about 1/3 complete. I currently have no reasonable estimate of when it will be available.

Work has begun on Climbing the Ladder - Climbing Hig.her (aka CTL3) and Good Medicine - Residency I.

As always, in-progress books are available via my support sites.



<p style="color: #008600;">Congratulations on completing Climbing the Ladder - The Second Rung! This is amazing! So good luck with your next writing projects!</p>