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'Fan fiction' in 'interlude' style written by @LordPerfectSteve.

Everything in this should be considered canonical.


Mark Burns

This is a fitting interlude.. HOWEVER.. I couldn't figure out the part about the 'baby' and also he very ending? Anyone able to 'clue' me in ?? Thanks


Per @LordPerfectSteve… The ''baby" was meant to be Jorge Louis, Trisha's baby. And the very ending is Stephie and Jorge, in a whimsical, light-hearted ending to the story. References are to Abby's tattoo. Jason has Abby, Stephie and Jorge sort of "stick together" in the afterlife. The idea is that you're never really alone. This alludes to the closeness they had while she tutored him and the emotional bond they developed.


Oh god that very last part brought a rush of tears.