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the dysfunctional love triangle is finally assembled. making these designs was a really good opportunity to make some changes and adjustments i feel make them easier to draw and have more cohesive palettes.

Alex really went through so many changes since 2016, there's really very little of her original design that remains. Even her hair color is different now, opting for a platinum blonde dye job that makes her look like a huge dipshit, which i love. 

Wolfie's design didnt change too much per se, but wow they sure fucking shrunk. Much more androgynous now too imo, which feels appropriate. Honestly aside from their size change, the biggest change is that their pupils are purple now lol. hard to see but its there. Yellow teeth too. and socks, FINALLY.

Kain never had a PROPER ref until now so there's not a ton to say, but i think I made her look bitching and I hope y'all agree. 

Carbonoid also asked me to doodle Alive Kain so here's the chad dyke in her youth and covered in flesh!




so cool

Robin the Bun

Kind of miss Alex's giant pillow lips, but she's always good


As long as Alex kept her most important feature, I'm cool. ;)