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been working on a comprehensive lineup of the crypttids recently. Some of these goobers really lacked a proper, accurate ref and i felt it would be good to give everyone a solid pic i can work from. 

Some characters have had their designs shift a lot over the past year! Alex is the most obvious one (I think just about everything about her has changed compared to how she looked last march) but shes not the only one. Wolfie's definitely gotten shorter and gremlin-y...er over time, as well as a bit more androgynous. Kain's face is is probably the biggest change in her design, as ive been trying to nail down how to allow her to be more emotionally expressive without being less... skull, and I think what i have right now suits both needs well.  Emet and Kassidy are gonne be two other characters where theyre gonna feel very different from their initial outings i think (Emet moreso in her characterization than her design).

idk, im always fascinated by how designs shift over time. Some of it is optimization as i figure out what i can draw consistently, and some of it is me 'getting to know' these characters more.

I really hope the rest of 2021 will be smooth sailing for me so i can start getting animated projects with these shitheads started. 



Emery Frenette

All of them out here stealing my heart as always wtf 💜