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Howdy y'all! So hey, ive been thinking about the content i offer here on patreon and fanbox, and i was curious about how y'all might feel about an idea i had.

Now generally, i prioritize art thats finished and polished, be it animations or illustrations. That usually means im able to get out maybe 2 or 3 nice big pieces a month, maybe more, as i balance my workload between this, commissions, and FMFU production. 

But I'm curious, would y'all be interested in maybe having some months, maybe 1 out of every 3 give or take, where instead i focused less on a few really really nice pieces, and INSTEAD put out a sketch pack? These would probably contain a dozen or more looser, sketchier work, possibly working around a core theme or character i could have y'all vote on each time!

Think stuff kind of like these, or the last two WIPs i posted.

This is attractive to me, cuz i feel this would mix things up for myself, give me more opportunities to explore my characters more and experiment etc. Plus, i think it'll let my brain recharge a bit between months where im really trying to flex on those nicer pieces.

But does that sound appealing to YOU at all? I'm letting all my patrons vote on this cuz I deeply appreciate everyone's support, and I want everyone's input <3



Love sketchpacks :)


I would absolutely love to see your sketches! I should try more rough sketches myself as well!


Whatever helps you out I'm down for anything.