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got an early draft of the screenplay set for Hitchhiker 2! Also got a name for it, 'Full moon Fill-up'! I'll continue to ruminate on this and doctor it going forward, but I think y'all might enjoy an early look at what's to come!

Give it a look and hey, i'd like to hear your feelings on it! Leave a comment either here or on the doc and I'll be sure to read it!


Full Moon Fill-up

122121Camera centers on a dark sign in the Nevada night. It's unlit, but after a moment its fluorescent lights flicker on, reading 'Full Moon Fill-Up'. The Camera pans down as the headlights of an approaching Tractor Trailer come into view. establishing shot of the outside of the front of the ...


icy mcCoolName

This was a lot of fun to read, going from big dog to big cat ("who got the canary" ) to big dog(e) seemed a bit odd, but that's probably just the analogy. Definitely reads more ambitiously than Hitch-hiker, maybe some of the preamble around the cigs/payphone could be condensed (if you feel there's scope creep emerging), but at this point I'm looking forward to seeing how this grows! Tl;dr - you know your workload best, this looks fun (it'd be cool to read more of your stuff) and save the "biting of more they can chew" to the werewuff. c:


yeah that was mostly just a turn of phrase, BUT, i am personally interested in bringing non-wolf predator inspirations into Kassidy's design (thats one reason why her wolf form isnt quite as traditionally "wolf" as folks might expect) and yeah this is a huge step up in terms of scope compared to 'The Hitchhiker'. But I'm also giving myself as much time as i need to get this done. I made The Hitchhiker in a single month back in 2016 (SOMEHOW, i still dont know how the fuck i did that) and I'm aiming for closer to 3 or 4 here to hit a halloween 2020 release (ideally). but if it takes longer, it takes longer. I'll definitely be cutting any corners i feel i can get away with thats for sure.


Is it safe to assume for some cum covered fucking or is that maybe too soon to talk about?


hard to say atm! obviously working in some mess is always fun, but itll depend heavily on how complicated the scenes get.