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Hey y'all! So, hey for you 'Tip Jar' patrons, the first WIP I posted 2 weeks ago has become available to y'all (seen here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/fish-dicks-wip-34934800 )

But I wondered, hey is this the most convenient way for y'all? Specifically, I dont think patreon sends out any kind of email when a post that was previously locked from your tier is then made available. And I don't want my Tip Jar patrons to feel ignored or unappreciated due to the lack of fanfare. 

So, I want to ask everyone, from all tiers, what options you all would find most appealing in order to stay up to date on what is currently available to even the lowest pledge tier. If you have any questions or suggestions, please comment! I want to make this as convenient for the most people I can!

please choose your preferred method:


icy mcCoolName

Wouldn't mind some other notif / short post saying that x is now available for y tier (could be in the round-up?), especially if the setting is changed manually. If the release is timed/automatic then that's a bug we should grumble nicely at Patreon to fix ; p


unless im missing something, there IS a way to time posts, but its too limited :/ all it can do is toggle "for patrons/for public" on a timer, rather than from one tier to another. And i actually cannot post any of my pics ~publicly~ on patreon due to their policies in place. it has to be hidden from the public. its frustrating cuz its so CLOSE to being perfect for what i'd like