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Hey guys, first things first, thank you for becoming my patrons this year! you all have done a great job supporting me and my work, and I cannot thank you enough! If you have the time, I'd like you all to take this opportunity to tell me your feelings and opinions about this patreon! Please provide any criticisms you think are important! Are there rewards you would like to see in certain tiers in the future? Are there aspects regarding how i've run this patreon thus far that have perhaps frustrated you, or that you think I should change? Do you feel as though you are getting your money's worth out of your reward tier? Is there content or projects you would like to see from me in the future? Do you have any general criticisms about my artwork, or anything else for that matter? ETC? I may or may not change things based on your feedback, but I will take it ALL into heavy consideration for the future!


Empyreanobscure (edited)

Comment edits

2021-10-14 16:46:29 Well, I don't know what the heckie I could ask for more in the reward tiers. XD I know you've had these ideas for the Sex War video game, but have you considered a tabletop game? What about an ongoing narrative series? *obligatory kvetch about the shade of your cum* *but no seriously I really like the color you use for some reason? >_>*
2014-12-18 20:42:12 Well, I don't know what the heckie I could ask for more in the reward tiers. XD I know you've had these ideas for the Sex War video game, but have you considered a tabletop game? What about an ongoing narrative series? *obligatory kvetch about the shade of your cum* *but no seriously I really like the color you use for some reason? >_>*

Well, I don't know what the heckie I could ask for more in the reward tiers. XD I know you've had these ideas for the Sex War video game, but have you considered a tabletop game? What about an ongoing narrative series? *obligatory kvetch about the shade of your cum* *but no seriously I really like the color you use for some reason? >_>*


I think the rewards are plenty. You give more to your patrons than most artists, and we're thankful for it! I like the way you're patreon is set up; it rewards those willing to give extra without completely leaving out those who can't. As for my money's worth, it's not really about getting a reward in turn, but supporting the artist for me. Should I have to put a value on it, yes I'd say I'm getting my money's worth. I would like to see you be able to more game related projects in the future. As for criticism, I can't say I have any. My experience thus far has been quite pleasant.