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Sofia and Bookie silently observed the rot slowly consuming itself and everything in sight.

The Sunless’ mana usually disperse when they die… But it looks like the rot I spread before my demon transformation worked a bit too well.

Well. It should run out of mana in a bit… Surely… There won’t be anything left in the area but it’s not like anyone lives there.


Hopefully there wasn’t anyone around…

Out of nowhere, Kyle appeared next to Sofia, blinking several times as he observed the ravaged landscape; he could hardly believe his own eyes.

“Huh. Explains why I lost the Nightbringer’s signal,” he finally said, hiding his emotions, “You really don’t make it easy on me whenever you do anything…” Kyle sighed. “ I’m still busy. Let’s deal with this fast.”

Blame the scribes who designed the transcendent rituals if you want to blame someone. Sofia answered in her head.

Ah, right. He can’t hear me because of the dagger.

Sofia started to bring up a bone slate to write on, but she stopped to observe the Magic Kyle had started channeling.

It was too complex, she could not understand anything from the mana movements around the Seraph Vampire, all she knew was that he channeled something for about ten seconds, sent a huge blast of mana forward, and the entire rot-covered zone ahead of them disappeared. Hundreds of kilometers of land, emptied in the blink of an eye. All that was left was a huge cylindrical hole.

Kyle wiped the sweat off of his forehead, “Well, I’m happy for you, didn’t think you’d make it, honestly. Now return to the core, you have just about two hundred hours left; Clint’s probably going to eat his apron if you don’t make it in time. All your friends are already out, by the way. Aight, gotta go now.”

Bookie waved him goodbye from Sofia’s arms, “Goodbye Mr. Kyle!”

“Goodbye little guy, see ya!”

The Seraph disappeared as fast as he had arrived.

For a second, Sofia thought about using her [Skill Capture™ - 042] module right then and there, but she decided not to.

Two hundred hours? I need to hurry up.

Getting to the core was meant to be the final stretch of the trial, coming with its own difficulties, but Sofia was not particularly worried, especially since she already knew how to find an entrance. There were probably other ways to get down to the center of the planet, but the easiest way was just to find any of the many IPS towers, and she would be able to find a path from there. As for why she knew about that, Sofia had to thank the loose lips of a certain Sunless dungeon core. 

With the help of her Undead birds, it only took Sofia two days to find a tower, hidden within the empty trunk of a dead giant tree.

Sofia entered through the hidden entrance common to all IPS towers. She looked up at the spiraling stairs leading to the higher floor. I wonder which moon this one goes to.

But what we’re looking for now is a way down.

Spreading her mana senses around, Sofia felt no obvious results. To begin with, the entire tower was full of mana, be it the walls or the floor, they all were enchanted with self-repair and other such magics, which did wonders to obstruct any vision of what might lie beyond.

Of course I can’t summon the graveyard here… Bookie, Pareth, come help.

The two skeletons appeared to help Sofia search for the way down.

Sofia had just started to carefully examine the walls when Bookie called her.

“Sofia! Sofia! I found it!”


Even Pareth looked surprised, he and Sofia walked up to Bookie, and now that they knew where to look thanks to Bookie, the way down was very obvious. One of the square metallic slates making up the floor of the IPS had a small round hole on its surface. 

Bookie bent over and put two fingers into the hole, then pulled the iron slate up. It opened awkwardly to the side, this was actually a small hatch revealing a square hole with a ladder going straight down.

Great job Bookie, want to go down first?

“Brother Pareth should go first in case if it’s a trap!”

Pareth shrugged, he reduced his size a bit more to comfortably fit inside the hatch, and jumped down without even touching the ladder.

Down he goes. Actually, want to get on my shoulders, Bookie?

“C- Can I?”

Get up here, I’ll carry you down.

Sofia held Bookie on her shoulders while she jumped after Pareth. She kept her left hand on the ladder to slow her fall when needed, the friction heating up her bone hand.

The descent was quite long, and the ladder finally ended up leading to a small square room with various green glowing indicators built in the walls. A single light was red, labeled ‘Maintenance hatch’. There was a door leading out but it had no handle.

Oh, I left the hatch open. Well, not my problem, I’m not climbing back up to close it.

How do I open the door?

Pareth touched the door, sending some mana into it, and the door opened by sliding into the walls. 


The door led to a dimly lit, long corridor going two ways, the room they just walked out of had its own label: ‘IPST-28’. Sofia naturally turned right, until she encountered another door about ten minutes later, labeled ‘IPST-29’. I think we went the wrong way.

Turning back, she had to walk all the way to ‘IPST-20’, where another door faced the maintenance room’s door. Sofia opened it, and she found herself face to face with a paper-person.

The paper-person’s body lit up, an intense yellow light washing over its crumpled body, only lasting for an instant before it turned back to a calm blue. Sofia did not even have time to try to communicate, the paper-person just stood aside and pointed at the ladder hatch going down in the room behind him.

Ahah… Let’s be a bit more careful while we go down this ladder, alright Pareth? I think we are the danger here. I don’t want to be responsible for a ladder accident.

Going down the ladder at an acceptable speed was painfully long, but when Sofia was finally out, after opening one more door, she found herself in known territory, a random dark alleyway in the underground paper-person city.

Simple as that! We even have time to go get a meal at the inn if we want.

If not for the awkward realization that at the moment, no one in her party could physically eat, she might have done just that, but instead, she walked directly in the direction of Clint’s house. Just like the first time, the paper-people barely paid her any attention. 

It was Sofia who stopped in her tracks when she spotted a familiar figure from afar, down several levels at the other side of the city a paper-person was floating around, followed by a couple of glowing sprites.

Is it the same person? Agh, the paper-people all look the same to me, there could be other ones with sprite-related classes… If only I could still use Identify…

Even if it’s the right one, they won’t even remember me unless I touch them… That might be a bit awkward, I can’t just approach a stranger and start touching them. Still if it’s the Sprite Dancer I would like to thank them.

Hmm… What’s a good present for the paper-people, even?

I’ll ask Clint or Kyle to help me with this. Let’s focus on the important stuff right now. To Clint’s house!

Sofia walked all the way to the teleportation room where Moon had casually ripped Clint’s head off, and the apron-wearing large man was already there waiting for her.

About damn time you showed up lassy! Love your new looks.

Sofia summoned a human skull with the choir to answer, “Nice to meet you again too, Clint.”

Spare me the crap and follow me, we got a ton of work to do, starting with skeleton man over here. I can’t wait to get started!

The scenery just changed around the group from the empty teleportation room to a giant underground forge. The temperature was suffocating, with sluggish streams of magma running down the walls.

Clint did no introduction, he just walked away to grab two weird pedestal things covered in runes, and dragged them up to Sofia and Pareth. 

Get the hearts on there, that’ll stop the setting process. This’ll mark the official end of the trial. Congrats to the both of you.

“Kyle isn’t coming?”

Boy’s busy, give him a break. He’ll be there in a bit, we need him for the signature skills. Anyway, get to it already! Clint impatiently pointed at the pedestals.

Sofia retrieved both mana hearts from the protection of her armguard, giving Pareth his own. They placed them on the pedestals at the same time under Clint’s watchful eyes.

Clint brought his face closer, almost drooling, he couldn’t take his eyes off of Sofia’s mana heart.

Sweet fuck, that’s the good stuff. 



Thanks for the chapter!


Quentin Cozzi

Thanks for the chapter!


Thanks for the chapter!


Oh jeez, clint cmon man, your being wierd again


Thanks for the chapter!


Clint sound like a drug dealer xD


More than any skills or upgrades, what I'm looking forward to most is Sofia healing back up. Now that the trial is basically over, I do have a couple questions though. Why was Kuli so traumatized by it? And Jen's advice about knowing yourself also seemed strangely irrelevant as Jen didn't do the rituals, so didn't have to make any offerings.


TFTC! BTW, is Sofia the first-ever person to get a mana heart above SSS-tier? I can't imagine anyone else being able to access the transcendent rituals, and if I remember correctly Saria only got to SSS-tier no?


Jen's advice was more about knowing what fights to pick and what imprints to take. For Kuli... She got an SSS rank heart as a class with no ranged attacks...


No one else had ever wagered the essence of Aphenoreth, so...

John Grizzly

Prolly traumatized by the sunless/paper people. Or the whole idea that she watched her fellows just murder what constitutes as people, cities even just for their mark/rune or whatever. Not everyone can just take that sorta realization of how the system uses whole species as fodder for the chosen species to have access to the system.


Time for Sophia’s mana heart to be so awesome that it requires Clint to use himself as an ingredient to complete it.


Gotcha. For some reason I thought she'd also gotten ahold of an essence of Aphenoreth.


The other part I'm looking forward to is finding out everyone else's trials, their wager penalties, etc. Please write a little about those when appropriate.


I won't ever go in long details about that but yeah some things like Saria and Alith's wager penalties will definitely be discussed at some point

Serenity's Glaive

Really hope the hole is left as it is. Future trial takers should be left to wonder what the hell happened to cause so much damage

Ceasar Salas

Thank you for the chapter! I for one, hope that Sophia does get meet the paper person again. I think it’d make for a fun interaction


I was under the same impression, but looking back, I really doubt Saria would've been able to preform close to as well as Sofia without being able to regenerate her health at all. Especially considering her skillset


These last couple of chapters have been some of the best. I feel like these chapters were a return to the stories roots. Can’t wait to see what Clint makes of Sofia

Andrew Pilavachi

Kinda wish Sofia got the million mana from the pokemon dungeon would've been an insane boost after the trials, maybe Kyle will be able to help in some way??


Wasn't that the imprint for the dungeon master? It wasn't a reward for the dungeon. The whole duel was a way to avoid actually fighting.


I found it. [Sunless Mage - Lv.250+ - Imprint power : 10 000 - Effect : + 1 000 000 Mana] That imprint power is all the way to SSS and doesn't seem to be more efficient than normal imprints.


I think Sofia would like to know all that, too. So at some point she's going to sit down with her friends and have a chat. ^^


It is not anymore efficient. It is meant as a don't even try it marker.


I think we need a character list. Though I could remember who those were if I didn't have only names to go off of.


Everelle told Sofia straight up that she doesn't stand a chance of winning against her. If Sofia had tried to collect that imprint, she would have failed the trial.


Ok, so what are the chances that Sofia will be upgraded to at least a demi-goddess? Oh, and the step-by-step plan given to her has just reached step 2, if I am not mistaken. Next week is going to be fun.

Chance Rose

Lmao I wish we could comment gifs. Id definitely post that one with the guy smoking the cigarette saying fuck yeah after that fat dude starts stripping cause that's what Clint made me think of.


And now we wait. Next week should be interesting :-) Still no word from Mr. Scribe. I was expecting either a go-ahead or a change of plans by now. If she doesn't hear anything, should she go ahead with the plan, still? Assuming it does go forward as planned, I really wonder how Clint's going to react. Corrections: she stopped to observe the Magic Kyle had started channeling Magic -> magic “Brother Pareth should go first in case if it’s a trap!” in case if -> in case (unless you meant it to be incorrect because bookie speaks childishly?) Going down the ladder at an acceptable speed was painfully long, long -> slow OR was painfully long -> took a painfully long time Clint did no introduction, did -> made (it's the normal phrasing) He’ll be there in a bit, there -> here


Kuli is the guild master bunny girl who punched Sofia to show her what summoning heros is like. Jen is a distant ancestor of Sofias she met during her first trial and again at the school where she was the monster hunter teacher. Both mentioned their 249 filter experience to Sofia.


I dunno about that. A raid boss in perma enrage mode is no joke (she's as fast or faster than Sofia in demon form and hits much harder). Really it's pretty much the ideal spec for the rituals. Plus don't forget she has great AOE spells and insane amounts of mana.


Stupid question: When does the restriction on healing end?


After the smith has finished the mana heart. At least, according to the inspect description we got as the trial started.


While she may eventually be able to create her own essence when she progresses VPPV far enough, we know from both Recessed and Lords that essence is not unique to gods. And besides, it was already confirmed in a recent chapter that Sofia is a Sofia. A mere god would be a downgrade.

Jonathan Wint

Now its Time for Dark Avatar of the Elder Gods to be born and she the good GUY!


Last word from Mr Scribe said the VPPV plans were on hold. We'll find out Monday though.


Doesn't really matter how much faster she is or how hard she can hit if she's fighting enemies multiple filters stronger than her or massive hoards of enemies. Without any summons, she'd have to fight them herself every time and her health would inevitably get chipped down to a dangerous level, likely before she got to SS-tier. Maybe she could've managed, but at that point, how will she acquire the keystone to get to SSS-tier? A long-distance battle of attrition like what Sofia did against the Chimera simply isn't something Saria is able to pull off, and a stunt like what Sofia pulled against the destroyer probably wouldn't have worked if Saria was already dangerously low on health. After that, she's still got the transcendence rituals that will tear away at her already low health at that point. Even if she's a super-strong raid boss, the sheer amount of amalgams will be impossible for her to deal with alone


Sofia is being set up to eventually join the ranks of her father and uncles. I do wonder what vaguely accurate enough title the mortals will end up placing on her.


I think we get a false impression of filters due to Sofia being so abnormal. With just Pareth and Bookie, Sofia has more utility than most people have with every skill. The ability to summon a skeleton for any situation is broken and with Pareth on overwatch Sofia is borderline unkillable under normal circumstances.


My money is on Sofia using the ring on the "mana explosion" event during the reforging and then somehow using that stored mana to complete VPPV.


But that doesn’t match with this statement. “Get the hearts on there, that’ll stop the setting process. This’ll mark the official end of the trial. Congrats to the both of you.”


The healing restriction was made by a Lord of the Deep. What do they care about the arbitrary timelimits set by other people? They only care about the arbitrary timelimits set by themselves.


I mean, there is the theory that the "Looming" essence that Sofia has, like, a fraction of, is actually her own.


The restrictions apply until the mana heart has been integrated into Sofia. This requires the forging process to finish first. The end of the trial has nothing to do with this, that's just a save point. Think of it this way: The mana heart is the item that applies the restriction to the challenger. As long as it exists in its current form, the restriction applies. If a challenger failed the trial by running out of time, then the mana heart would dissolve and the restriction would fade with it.