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Erotic short stories: Yes or No?

  • Heck yeah, I would buy DDA erotica for $10! 396
  • I would buy it, but only at a lower price (like $5 or less) 122
  • Not interested -- I'm just here for the audio! 107
  • 2023-06-08
  • 625 votes
{'title': 'Erotic short stories: Yes or No?', 'choices': [{'text': 'Heck yeah, I would buy DDA erotica for $10!', 'votes': 396}, {'text': 'I would buy it, but only at a lower price (like $5 or less)', 'votes': 122}, {'text': "Not interested -- I'm just here for the audio!", 'votes': 107}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 6, 8, 11, 4, 57, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 625}


Good morning, angels. If I published an eBook compilation of erotica stories, would you buy it? Weigh in below -- and of course, please be honest! You won't hurt my feelings if the answer is no. I'm just trying to gauge your interest in this potential side-project. 

A little background: I've gotten some questions about my writing and I must confess: I am (god help me) a writer. I wrote professionally for years before I became DDA, and frankly I think I'm a stronger writer than I am a voiceover artist.

So let's imagine that I spent a few months really pouring my love into a compilation of erotic shorts. Some might be similar to my audio content; others might be first-person tales of sexual hijinks. I'd publish a few samples here and sell the complete collection on the Amazon Kindle store. 

Would you shell out $10 USD for that sort of thing? Thank you for sharing your thoughts! And regardless of how you answer, I'm eternally grateful that you're here with me now. Stay tuned for an audio drop later today❤️




Why not also do an audiobook for it?


If you put out a book, I would buy it IMMEDIATELY! It's very hard to find good male erotica writers and I would be all over your stuff if you put something out!!