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Well I have the model almost completely done, tinkered on it here and there because honestly doing that kind of thing is really therapeutic to me. It's easy for me to get lost in putting a model together and its relaxing to do while waiting for other stuff to finish. 

Of course, as I've never paid attention to WoW literally like, at all? (The last thing I actually watched from WoW was one of the literal first trailers with the dwarf with a shotgun fighting something up in some snowy mountain), I was never made knowledgeable of the fact that Draenei are like 7+ feet tall. If someone had told me this before I would've done something like this a lot sooner Haha

However I do think I'll not use Jaina for this idea, going through the voice lines I've found it seems as if Yrel and Whitemane have a bit of a case of opposing ideals involving the Light (even if Yrel in the new expansion seems closer to Whitemane than the Yrel from WoD) so I believe I'll use Whitemane for Yrel's cocksleeve, and have the idea be Yrel punishing Whitemane for her abuse of the Light




I'll be honest. I never was, and never will be, a fan of the HotS models. I prefer the WoW look of the characters without exception. ^_^" Oh, and since you mentioned it, yes, Draenei are supposed to be bigger than humans by some margin, but as every other of the WoW races, females tend to be smaller than males and b) there is always size variety to consider as well. (In fanwritten stories, there are Draenei that are as "small" as 6 feet 2 inches and as big as close to 9 feet... no idea what lore dictates here, but I do think a certain artistic freedom should be granted.) In other words, just go with your gut feeling. ;-)


I prefer the HOTS models of WoW characters a lot, I like the faces and proportions a lot more. I have never really been a fan of WoW's artstyle, back when it released or now, though the faces are definitely getting better.