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The Halloween animation is done, and the Linkle animation is on the final stretch of rendering , so it's time to put things up to a vote again !

Got a few new ones here as well, so look over, and vote for the ones you'd like to see !

The fuck machine one I feel could still have an interchangeable character, I'm not too dead set on having it be Karin yet, though I feel like it'd work for her. Feel free to suggest other characters, and if there's one that everyone feels would be better or that they want to see getting their brains turned to mush from a 3-day-long non-stop rapid-fire bone-shatteringly-hard fuckmachine pounding, I'd be perfectly fine with changing them out for it.

Also, when Heroes of the Storm gets their next update patch, I'll most likely be taking some time to make a short loop of Orphea with some chaos tentacle fun



Mh, the HyperUniverse idea from your last poll on Sept. 12th isn't on the list anymore? On purpose or an oversight?


This is one the hardest decision I had to make for the vote. For me it was between those last 3.