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Update because i don't have a screenshot to post with it right now, but ive been working nonstop to try and get this done the last couple days, its been literally the only I've done for full 16 hours today and yesterday, outside of when i was waiting for things to render or bake.

But - it seems to have paid off. I'm certain that I'm pretty much entirely done with the animation now. Right now I'm rendering off the pre-fluidsim frames and baking the particles for the last part of the fluid, hopefully when i wake up everything will be ready to finalize.
I've got the zombie cum to look nice and gross (since theyre zombies ofc, and its also halloween) and hopefully blender will be able to load all the particles into cubesurfer without it exploding the program. Or rather, taking more time loading into cubesurfer than ot does rendering the frame. Which, are rendering a lot faster than i expected, given the amount of meshes involved. Its rendering at 8 minutes per frame on a single gpu, which means about 4.5-to-5 on both, along with my CPU clocking in at 10m per frame on 6 cores, i was expecting at least double these times.

Of course like i mentioned earlier, once it needs to start rendering the fluid part of things, it may slow down greatly, but this means that i may have an actual chance to get this out and uploaded before halloween. If i have time, i may try and add audio.

This does mean though that the Linkle earfuck animation's rendering is being put on pause. I needed to rebake some particles for that anyways, so it's not going to be that much more disruptive than what would've happened anyways.

That animation's rendering is about i believe two thirds done. It's at the start of the fluidsim, where i realized shit wasn't working the way I wanted it to be, so I'm going to redo the fluidsim to try and get it to work right.

After those two get finished, I'll post up a poll for voting on the next animation to do.

On a somewhat related topic, i have an idea that I want to do, but I'm not sure what girl to use for it. The idea is that she's tied, strapped, bolted, or otherwise restrained to a machine, or some other contraption, that's mercilessly pounding her with massive dildo(s) at extreme speeds (think the Daisy motorcycle animation) with a display of some sort that says somrthing like



The idea behind it is that the girl has been left there as some endurance/training test, or as torture/interrogation, and that the machine will continue pounding her at that breakneck speed for the entire period, not stopping or slowing down for even a minute, and with nobody to check on her to ensure her safety.

As i said, im unsure as who to use for this idea, so if you have an idea for who to use, leave a comment with the name! Even if theres no SFM model (as people seem to base what characters they consider "having a model" on whether or not there's specifically an SFM model), if its a popular enough character I'm sure I can find a model for them somewhere.

With that, however, i am heading to bed. Way too tired after tonights endless waiting for particle baking and rebaking and unbaking and crashing



I was thinking maybe Karin from SF seeing as how shes always forced to "train" to get stronger and improve herself even in the story of SF.


Could work, she'd definitely be able to afford some sort of extremely unsafe and dangerous fuckmachine like that


Tracer? ouo