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Today in things nobody really asked for but my dick told me to make anyways, we have everyone's(?) favourite(?) rollerskating drug addict (Is there more than one?) from Quake. 

I've been getting a hankoring to do something along the lines of some pictures I've seen people draw every now then, of women snorting cocaine off of a dick, and Slash really seemed like the perfect candidate for it (even though technically she's a heroin junkie and not a crackhead. But why not both?)

Also, the Hitomi/Elephant animation is currently at 716 frames of the 980 that need to be rendered out. Hopefully it'll be done in the next couple days, so I can actually start working full force on things again outside of streams. I should put up a post of all the stuff I've been trying to work on so people know I'm not just fucking around and fapping all day or something




End of Tieve is not, by pure chance, amongst the stuff you twiddle on? You know, just asking... ;-P


hell fucking yeah slash


I'm doing a lot more tinkering with it in my head than I am anywhere else, but to be (sadly) honest, if End of Tieve is the only thing you're supporting me in hopes of seeing, then it's probably going to be best for you to unpledge, as I honestly don't really know when I'll be able to roll my sleeves up to take another whack at it