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This has actually been a bit of a learning experience. in the process of all of this I managed to learn how to make chains and other long-loopy-rotatey-things with relative ease. It should even work for things like rope - so next time I need to use a chain or a rope that should be actually extremely easy now, and I wont need to either try and find an existing model that fits my needs, or have to make one poly-by-poly. 

Right now with the model itself, I'm almost done I think. I just need to most do a little bit of weighting. the chain attached to her left leg needs to be weighted, as well as the fingers on her little friend and her big left hand need to be *properly* weighted, as right now they're very cheaply weighted which works fine for the games they're from but... not so much for what I'll be using them for!



Big Green

Awesome, life gets so much easier when you are able to make your own stuff without relying on ready assets. ;)


Oh definitely. I'm slowly working my way towards making my own models entirely, though the hardest part will be the organic sculpting of the meaty fleshy bodies themselves, no doubt