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Hey, everyone,

Finally, here comes the second ending. This month has been quite a journey. I aimed for a major update, and then I got seriously sick, which forced me to push the deadline from August 31st to September 3rd. My apologies for that, and thank you for understanding.

Now, about the update itself – it's been a unique experience for me. There were moments when I just covered my face with hands and thought, 'What on earth am I even writing here?' This update focuses more on Asahi, with a bit less about Hitomi. You wanted sissy content, and here it is. That's actually why I didn't split the update into two parts – not everyone is into that, and I didn't want to stretch it out for three whole months.  The next update will definitely not be related to that. More likely, I'll be diving into the Cuck route, covering 50%, and the other 50% will be up for a vote (We've got NTR ending/BBC route/ or 100% time in the cuck route)."

So, this update, it's over to you now. I hope you enjoy it! And, as always, thank you very much for your support!

Almost forgot, if you happen to have the NTR ending path with your saves, and you want to switch to the path of corruption ending and access all the content, simply follow these steps: Go to the main menu "Start" =>"Yes" or Walkthrough

Last public update is >HERE<

Changelog you can find HERE.