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I've been giving it some thought, but I feel like the content I'm putting on here does not justify the cost for some of the membership roles. Instead I think I'm just going to boil this down to 2 memberships: A 5$ membership that includes everything in the previous memberships, but the commission discount will change, and a 15$ membership that will replace the 20$ one.  I want to hear your thoughts on it before I make any changes. 

Anyone who paid for the month before I make these changes will be refunded, just message me to make sure I don't miss you. I'm aiming to implement this sometime before the week is up.


Grandest Zero

I wholeheartedly believe dropping the $20 tier down to $15 is underselling yourself by a lot Proto. Though I agree that a 1$ all access pass isn’t the way to go. Perhaps 1$ to see flats/uncolored works/WIPs 5$ being the access pass you had in mind. And I’d keep the 20$ discount tier, or raise it.


Raise the 20$ one more?? I would think 20$ a month is already pretty expensive (at least it would be for me).

Grandest Zero

There are people who have and keep up $100+ Tiers, at the end of the day though what matters is finding a point where you’re comfortable, and your patrons/customers are comfortable paying. If you’re comfy with $15, then that’s what matters here. :)

Grandest Zero

Adding on to this, some artists also have commission reward tiers, you could (and should imo) limit the slots so you don’t get a slew of people in. But it’s easy to just do the math and set the tier to include a commission once a Month with the discount. (I.e if a sketch comm is $50, and your patrons get a 10% discount, you could offer a limited slot Sketch Comm Tier for $45) But that’s another can of worms since it requires you to be able to devote time to possible monthly specific draws.

PK - Hot Ramen Audios

I'm happy with my $20 tier overall, I think the only issue is that a lot of people might not have use for things like the CSP files. The $10 off Commissions was the major reason I thought the tier was most appealing. I do think it would be more appealing to people who, unlike me, don't have much use for CSP files or raws. I'd say more than reworking the tiers themselves, perhaps just finding ways to create more engagement and benefits among tiers would be good.


I guess I'm not sure what to rework within the tiers. The main thing I have right now are just weekly doodles


I've thought about something like that but I'm rather desperate for cash in general, so I keep taking bigger comms