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It's less than usual I know. Sorry about that... ;-;

I might start drawing less or just more sketches instead of finished work. How much less, I don't know yet. There is a reason for it that I've been avoiding to address in hopes of it going away, but it didn't.

My drawing hand and wrist are in bad condition since around a year now. Specially my middle finger which I use most pressure on for drawing starts to hurt really fast. While it gets better at times, lately I keep bouncing back to make it worse. It's really frustrating because I want to draw. I've been pushing myself to keep my output the same, but I think if I continue like this I might just not be able to draw at all one day. :/

I understand a lot of you will want to leave if they hear I draw less. I've talked to some people about closing patreon completely but they convinced me that some are just there to support my art endeavors in general, so I've decided to leave it open for now and see first how much support I'll lose. 

Thanks for everyone who pledged for me up to now, and even more thanks for those who still wish to keep doing so.




Take care,Do not force yourself


I love supporting your art. Even less art is fine by me. Please take care!