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I think even if they did turn back magic marshall and gary would still be together but they wouldn't remember their human lives together. Because in magic universe they would had just gotten back together after their first break up like PB and Marcy

Joey Quixote

Maybe the next season, or part of it anyways, will be Scarab's style. Dark Medieval Mystery Fantasy, was it? I love what they gave us. This is fertile ground for telling all sorts of stories. Maybe a return visit to Ooo. Some more Bubbline? Really they did such a fantastic job with Gary & Marshall that I hope we get so much more of them. They were analogs for Bonnie & Marcy but were still very much their own characters. That this was a more mature Adventure Time, and they did it without focusing on swearing and blood and innuendo was a nice touch. The world we knew grew up and was now tackling more serious subject matter. Not to detract from the original series. There was a fair amount of mature material there, but it was mostly implied and not so up front. So now their world also includes Jay & Little Destiny from Farm World, Baby Finn from Baby World, and Peppermint Tank from Vamp World. Will they get anyone from Ice World? Do we want that? Will Baby Finn grow up? Will Jay & Little Destiny start a family? Fionna and Hunter dating? Finn wound up with Huntress Wizard after all. Possibilities are open, because what we got in the first season was not at all what I was expecting.