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HEADPHONE WARNING! There was a lot of screaming in the episode. Also I totally misinterpreted Alastors part of the final song so ignore me




So, somethings that need to be pointed out and/or talked about: Baxter and Arackniss having a small cameo during the news segment. Altruist is Alastor's last name, an Altruist refers to a person unselfishly concerned for or devoted to the welfare of others, thus why he called the group his friends, and Alastor's name can be translated from ancient Greek to "spirit of revenge" or "tormentor", so a tormentor who cares for the wellbeing of others. And I think when he wants to make a deal with Charlie, he wants her to set him free from his deal (Lilith's leash) and exact revenge on Heaven or take over Hell (Which I hope he doesn't turn evil and becomes the final Antagonist), which we can assume that Alastor has ALOT more power he hasn't shown yet. (also, some people I've seen online comment that Alastor's radio voice is a facade, so when his cane broke, it's like his whole gimmick and act just drops for a moment and he just talks in his natural voice) I wasn't expecting Vox and Val to be a thing, I'm kinda for it, good for them XD, but yeah.....it was unexpected for me. The fact the Charlie was right at a person in hell can be redeemed and go to heaven, and Sera's reaction was priceless. Lilith being in heaven could be a deal that Adam allowed Lilith into Heaven, but since Adam is dead, Lute told Lilith to go down to Hell and stop Charlie, which would be interesting if Lilith was an Antagonist too.

Oh Klahoma

If they’re gonna make Lilith a villain, I hope she’s a likable villain and they don’t make her insufferable like they did with Stella from Helluva Boss.

Emily DeCamp

An altruist is a person unselfishly concerned for or devoted to the welfare of others. I think Alastor was imagining a newspaper headline: “Great Alastor, altruist, dies for his friends” and the next line is him reacting to it “sorry to disappoint, that is not where this ends”


Lillith may be A villain in the future but Alastor will be THE big bad in the end! And I know you want him to have a heart morgan but I think all his true colors will be revealed soon...


I love Alastor's wholesome moments! It felt pretty genuine that he was feeling some type of positive way about everybody at the hotel during his talk with Niffty. And Viv did confirm that Alastor feels genuine fondness and a connection with Niffty, saying he finds her fun and endearing in his own way. So it seems he does have the capacity to care and develop good relationships; the question is if that's even enough to matter to him, his wants, and his ultimate goals? Foreshadowing says he might become a major villain...I love him though lol, I don't want him to die. Evil and ulterior motives and all, he's too charming. His fight against Lucifer was so cool even if he didn't win. The 'altruist' thing is just him describing how people might see him for the fight. Anyways, I thought this was an amazing finale; so action-packed. I adored seeing everybody fight and be in their battle outfits. So awesome. I especially liked Angel's cropped suit and hat, so cute. I thought he was going to die too based off the trailer scene and that made me so anxious. The adorable spider boy cannot die! The beginning was sweet too when they were all having their conversations. I actually really liked Sir Pentious, I guess from now on he might have a lot less screen time. They ended on such a surprise, I don't know what to do with myself now that the show is over lmao. Also wanted to say I think it would totally be cool if Sir Pentious was redeemed before he actually got zapped.

Sunset Awesomness17

I absolutely had been waiting for this reaction and it was so well worth the wait!!! Thank you so much! I highly appreciate it!


Well Helluva Boss gave us so many bad dads. We gotta throw in a bad mom besides Stella.

Savannah Villa

I think Alastor does have a heart. There are a lot of small wholesome moments with him including him and Nifty talking about being attached to the people in the hotel, Plus in the live Q & A Amir and Viv both confirmed that Alastor isn't evil for evil's sake, that he has many layers, and that it will be explored more as the show goes on!

Dark Persona

I don’t think you misinterpreted alastors part of the song to me it seems he has grown fond of the people in the hotel but he’s unwilling to die for them and even more unwilling to give up on his goals and ambitions so to me it seems like he cares for them and that fact disgusts him because he doesn’t want to care for them

Corey Peters

Yes there are bad dads but there are Stolas who cares so much about Octavia and Blitzo tries his best to be good dad to Loona


It was more of a ratio joke of good dads to bad dads, and good moms, albeit a lot of dead moms, to bad moms in this universe.

K Cianci

Ok, but anyone else think if Lucifer did get with both Lilith and Eve, that Emily is actually his daughter as well? Because it’s possible Eve, as the first woman of humanity, same as Adam, was sent to heaven and Emily could have been born there. And since Lucifer was never allowed back into heaven after they cast him out, he would have no idea. I mean, we ALL thought about how similar Emily and Charlie were from looks to personality to even their voices in Ep 6. I mean, they inserted the same duck sound when she was happy to see Pentious, which is the same sound/nickname that Lucifer has for Charlie in his phone!!!!! Coincidence? I don’t kno, I’m suss.


while this is most likely the case, until proven otherwise I do love the idea of it being both, because his last name being Altruist is a beautiful piece of character irony


honestly if alastor wasnt cocky and tried using an angelic weapon against adam he would of gotten some hits in


i think lot of ppl misinterpreted alastor's part. When he says "Alastor Altruist died for his friends" is more of him talking about it like it's gonna be a headline and thats how people would of seen him go out and he doesn't want to be die that way or be remembered that way which is why he says "sorry to dissapoint but thats not how my story ends"

Dark Persona

That doesn’t mean he doesn’t care for them it only means he’s unwilling to die for them and be remembered that way notice he didn’t dismiss the friendship line just that he doesn’t want it to end that way