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Hello everyone. Just wanted to give you guys an update on why there hasn't been any new videos this week. Long story short my computer I edit on is starting to shit the bed. It's taking forever for these videos to export and the programs keep crashing on it. I'm looking into setting up a gofundme for a new one while also trying to get a plug in to work in OBS so I can hopefully upload the videos straight to Patreon instead of having to edit them. I've been tinkering with the plugin all night and keep running into issues with it. I thought upgrading my PC would solve all the issues but it didn't. Please bare with me while I get this all sorted out. Sorry for the inconvenience. 


Dark Persona

Take your time we’ll be here when you get everything sorted out 👍

Pamela Kibildis

No worries Morgan Take Your Time and we’ll be here when you’re back on Patreon and Youtube Have a Wonderful Day Buddy and Good Luck 💜💜