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Pamela Kibildis

Great Reaction Morgan now I patiently await Elijah’s reaction to this season finale episode as well Have a Wonderful Day today and If you ever want to talk you know I’m here for you buddy 💜💜 Take Care Morgan 😊


My favorite moments of this episode was the globe lighting up when Nick uncovered his eyes and saw Charlie in his suit (like come on! The meaning behind it is ADORABLE), Baby Queen (the artist that sings the opening song of S1E1 and then several other AMAZING songs throughout both seasons) performing while Elle and Tao dance to her song, the party at Nick’s house with everyone having an adorable found family moment, that moment of N&C in Nick’s bed when they’re just laying together and being cute, when Nick comforts Charlie after Charlie confesses, and then the end when Nick is saying goodbye to Charlie from the doorway and you can viscerally see the love in his eyes that he has for his boy. I really love that Nick doesn’t let Charlie leave right after talking about his trauma. Instead, Nick talks about the things he loves about Charlie so that Charlie can leave feeling warm and loved instead of sad or alone. Sarah raised that boy incredibly well! Season 3 is going to kill me if it goes in the direction everyone thinks it will 😭 OH! And FUN FACT! That little slow dance between Nick and Charlie was improvised! And yes, it is Taylor!! I saw somewhere that she loved the scene or show a lot and wanted to write a song for it! And the end song was written by Will Gao (Tao) and his band! It’s so fitting for the end of this episode 🥺