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Soooo, now I'm more than 15 days late from the first deadline I've set lol

I know many people said there is no reason to apologize, but I'll say sorry once more

So, sorry for the wait, I'm writing an awful amount and rendering images that were missing, like this Judy's set.

Why cat girl clothes? I think Judy's afraid. She is cool and all, but she is utterly a loner. For a loner like her to act like she would want, hiding her face helps a lot. So whenever Judy's face is hidden behind something, she'll act extremely horny towards MC. And Judy also has a kitten tattooed on her crotch so it only made sense for me.

I've made so many animations and for some I didn't added what happens before and after the animation. The animation itself are much better now, but I'm still redoing this thing for all 80~ animations I've made for 0.1. + the 120 I made for this one, so it's taking some time.

I always wanted to produce a game where everything is very immersive. I'll not be able to bring this now of course, but this is the final goal.

It's something like this: now you have the option of making the textbox transparent, change it to some solid color, or whatever. That made it possible for me to add real text for each animation without using those random idiotic boxes that appears on the side of the screen.

Now the animations will have at least 5 texts blocks that will happen randomly and keep looping as the animation goes as well, those boxes describes in a good way what is going on, how MC is feeling, how the girls are feeling, and some good old sex talk. So I'm halfway done with this aspect, I've changed 100 situations so in simple math, at least 500 new dialogue for sex scenes that has animation!

For this version, I almost doubled the size of words, renpy points me that the game has almost 500k single words, so you can imagine how big this thing is.

You can also see that I've changed the design for some things. Many menu stuff changed. I've hired a dude I know to produce me some better icons and the result is just too good(this was only possible tks you all!) I've remade half of the design and for 0.3 I'll finish this change process. With each version I release the game will be more and more polished.

It's an awful lot of work and I'll never be able to thank you for the patience and for being so cool with all that. The wait will totally worth it!

EDIT: I've just noticed that Judy's images has some small details like her eyebrows showing up and something weird on her face. I'll edit that on photoshop so don' see this images as final 




Understood. Still great images nonetheless, and I always appreciate a good heads up! Stay cool out there. We just have another month or two left of heat to deal with!


take u time ur futa and rubbers are too hot to rush


Damn! Take care out there! I saw on the news that the US, Europe and a large portion of Asia are suffering from the heat. I live in a extra hot place, around here the usual is 28-33 Celsius and we are in winter!!! I'm really worried about summer. Last year we had a day that went to 40C, this year they say it will be even worse.