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  • I have access to discord 35
  • I don't have access 3
  • I don't like discord and I'll never use it 3
  • 2023-07-14
  • 41 votes
{'title': 'Discord ', 'choices': [{'text': 'I have access to discord', 'votes': 35}, {'text': "I don't have access ", 'votes': 3}, {'text': "I don't like discord and I'll never use it ", 'votes': 3}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 7, 14, 18, 50, 54, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 41}


Hey I just want to know if everyone here is currently using discord.

For the 0.3 version I'll produce way more sex scenes and I find quicker to post at discord. I'll find out how can I create some channels for specific content so everyone can find them easily.

Just answer it so I can have a feeling if I can post only there and sometimes here or if I'll post in both places



Theres a discord?


YES!!! I'm so sorry I should've done this earlier! Here's the link, I posted several more previews there: https://discord.com/invite/E79pfRvy9T If you have a discord acc, the patreon bot should've placed you inside my channel automatically, but it seems this is not happening for everyone D=


I have access, but I seldom use it. Totally on me, it's just not my cup of tea. Do share to your heart's content there, I'm quite happy with what gets shared in the updates and the rest I can happily wait for the release for.


Hmmm, alright! I just need to know what you all prefer. Also, I don't want to exclude anyone! At discord I find it easier to post specially animations, because to post it here I need to convert the format to AVI, turn this AVI to gif so it becomes an image format and this takes quite some time. At discord I just need to drag them to the chat and since it accepts webm you can see it without needing to download it. But I don't want to exclude nobody from seeing it all, so I'll think on how to optimize this process so it works well for everyone.