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Hey my dudes, weekly report 5! Or is it 6?

I'll keep this short this time, I got a cold so I'm feeling a little down. Should be okay in 2-3 days, I usually don't get sick easy but this time I'm with a huge headache and usual flu/cold stuff.   

So, now we have about 610~ CG and more than 70 animations, I honestly lost the track of exact number of animations. It's getting very sizable now, but I'm not satisfied yet. My final goal is more than 1000cg so this week will be crucial for this.

I also got my hands on some good sound effects, I'll be using them A LOT in this version, idk if it will be so swell, but it will add a nice touch to the game.

I'll post some good previews this week, so keep tuned here and on other places as well. Sometimes I want to show a lot of files and here it's not the best place for it.



Take care of yourself! That's the most important. Thanks for the update, though.