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Hey guys I'm currently undergoing a small set back.

This should not be a huge problem, but it will delay me 1 or 2 days this week. I'll get up to date during the remaining days but I'll not have nothing cool to show until Thursday I guess. 

I'm doing a backup of all my files to One Drive. It's 800 GB worth of DAZ 3D assets. One drive is kinda dumb, so I can't upload it all at once, but in smaller pieces. I'm in 200GB now, I need to upload a ton still, but that's fine. It's for the better.

There is two reasons for that, one that my external hd started making some weird ass noises, so I got scared and decided to back up everything. The second reason is, I'll probably have access to another computer to produce images. Those two things happened all at once and the two of them requires me to have all my data on the cloud.

I'll remotely access a computer from someone I know and he'll let me use it to render my images. His settings are way better than mine so if all works well I expect to increase production to a very nice level. 

Just wanted to let you all know, I'll keep posting very soon. 




Just as a quick bit of advice. Consider getting a NAS for backup, a 2 bay one with a couple of 4tb disks won't be astronomically expensive, easier and quicker backup


things going as they are I'll probably be able to buy one of those by September/October. I saw one here for about 500 USD. This is a really good advice, cause the only thing that would really stop me from doing this game is losing all my assets. I wouldn't know what to do. But with cloud and NAS everything will be safe. Tks!