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And it may or may not be Leena's backside.

But hello again! I've returned with another update!

So things have been pretty busy on the personal life front, but as of recently I've had a lot more time open up and have been able to spend more time working on animation! Originally it was planned that Part 2 of the Leena cartoon would be finished this month, but it's now looking more like April will be THE month.

I've also got ideas rolling on other cartoon projects I want to do next, but I'm prioritising finishing this Leena video before putting my main focus on any of those.

I also want to just say thank you again for everyone who has supported the patreon, it might be quiet on my front currently but your contributions have helped so much in allowing me to spend more time working on some fun stuff for you all! I hope to make it up to you with some more awesome updates soon!

Also more context for the image in this post: it's not related to the Leena cartoon I'm currently doing, but let's just say Leena has tried to trap Marley underneath her more than once... to no success.

Anyway that's all for now!




Ben Slade

Glad to know that you’re doing well. Honestly, great animation takes time and I’m so looking forward to how Part 2 will look. I really love this pic of Leena and Marley, mostly for Marley’s expression! Keep up the good work.


I will continue to support your animation making! Looking forward to part 2... ♪ I am somewhat jealous of Marley playing with Leena's butt.

Geeker Face

Awesome, can't wait for more of Leena' 's belly growls


I imagine Leena struggling to get her butt out. Will Marley help Leena or will she get even?


Can't help but wish to see a continuation where Luna jumps away to the nearest water point


Love a good butt burn!


Love a good butt burn!