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Hey everyone,

Just a friendly little reminder that today is the last day to be included in the end credits of Part One of RETRY: Elden Ring.

We'll be compiling these soon, so to be included you have to be on our Producer tier or above by the end of today.

If you've already been either a Producer or Posh Slug since July, your name will already be in there. Fear not.

Here's an example from our RETRY: Demon's Souls series, and some screenshots below, in case you're unsure of what that might look like...

But it goes without saying, thank you for all your support throughout the initial stages of this absolutely epic project – by far the biggest we've ever embarked upon.




Producer Admiral Dong 😂

Paul Davies

Hmm, checks last episode...... nope

Matt Folding

Not sure if I got mine in in time, I just upgraded to producer and its still 1/21 in my timezone but probably not in the UK. If not no worries, thanks for all the content boys, just happy to help support!