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Here's the latest episode of Roundtable Hold, and we get through a lot...

• We review our adventures down in Siofra River Well

• We find out that the Urumi is REAL

• And we watch a goldfish possibly be better at Elden Ring than ourselves, which is a depressing revelation at Christmas after 7 years of doing this

Anyway, we hope you enjoy the final episode of Roundtable Hold for this year. We've really enjoyed making this show, and after doing it for six months, we're finding our feet with it and have plenty of ideas of how to make it even better in the New Year.

Remember, you belong to a select group of fellows.



Roundtable Hold | Ep.12: Watching a Goldfish Be Good at Elden Ring

In this week's Roundtable Hold, we review Siofra River Well and Krupa shows Gav and Rory a goldfish that is very good at Elden Ring.



Can't believe this has been running for 6 months now! Such a great idea, I've looked forward to every single episode!


Have you all discussed the other thing in the doll dungeon? I'm sure it will come up eventually but what another weird level of mystery.