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This week we read out quite possible the nicest message we have ever received (and probably will ever receive!). It's about kidneys and it's brilliant.

Please keep sending us your topic suggestions, questions, funny stories, and Minging or Fair Plays to: bit.ly/ShieldUp





I'm the kidney lady!! If people would like to ask me questions then I'm happy to try and answer some! :)


I haven't listened yet so seeing someone yell out "I'm the kidney lady!!" in the comments just made me laugh like an idiot for a solid minute.


I'm new to Patreon but have followed you guys back to your days on IGN, so happy to be a part of this community! I've only gone back and listened to a few episodes so far but I'd love to hear more about the games, books, and podcasts you all enjoy when not in the Souls universe?! Enjoying Krupa's Masterclass as well!


Totally agree on the unnerving aspect being most scary. I don’t remember all the jump scares I’ve fallen for, but I do remember the unsettling images. Even in the Justin Long Jeepers Creepers movie, I still remember the creeper stopping throwing bodies down the hole to stare at them as they drove past. That image was so unsettling and stands out more than any other part of that movie to me.