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Hey everyone, here's the PDF of my presentation from the most recent livestream lecture.

Inside you'll find every slide I presented (yes, I fixed the Elden Stars one). While these don't have my notes along with them, hopefully you'll still find it useful to download and go over them at your leisure.

I'm still working on populating the Miro, so when I share that, there'll be enough on there to peruse and be useful from the get-go, rather than something quite bare bones.

I really enjoyed the stream the other night, but will endeavour to keep them to 90 minutes in future with a more structure section for Q&A. It's quite hard to keep up and engage with chat while presenting this type of thing, so I'd love to be able to introduce that in future.

If you couldn't watch live, the entire lecture is available on demand, as they always are. (I've seen a few questions about that from new Producers, but everything is available on-demand in future and is pretty much available right away.)

So if you haven't watched, download the notes, and catch-up before next month's stream.

I hope you all enjoyed this month's lecture. As I said on stream, I'm going to try and do these on the first weekend of every month.

Next month's topic is still to be determined, but I think focussing on Rennala, Raya Lucaria, and sorcery makes sense since we're currently tackling that area in RETRY.

See you then!





Really enjoying this class. This timeline gave me several, “Oh, so THAT’S why…” moments!


With the Marika/Radagan lore mentioned in the last episode, it would be really cool to use the communal approach of lore masterclass to explore a trans reading of elden ring. Obviously there's a ton of gendered themes in this game, and looking at it outside the gender binary opens up a lot of depth! I'm sure you've thought of this already, but thought I'd mention it in case you haven't! Love the show by the way, having played the game but not gotten into the lore I've learned so much already