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Hey RKG patrons,

Here's the latest episode of Roundtable Hold. It covers all of the Weeping Peninsula and our return meeting with Margit. So if you haven't watched Ep.7 yet, which just went into Early Access, you might want to give that a watch first.

Here's a little overview of what we tackle in today's episode.

  • Lazy Miyazaki Watch: is recycling the Asylum Demon as an Erdtree Avatar lazy or is it really smart?
  • We discuss George R.R. Martin's involvement in Elden Ring.
  • Castle Morne: we walk through our first mini-dungeon.
  • Margit: what did we think of the first major boss in the game?

We hope you enjoy the latest instalment of Roundtable Hold. We think we're really finding our way with this show now. We really want this to feel like a great companion show to the main series, a place for us to dig into more detail or cover the little things that we wouldn't have time to in a typical episode of RETRY.

If you've got any questions at all, remember you can contact us on roundtable@rkgvideo.com

We'll be back in a fortnight!



Roundtable Hold | Ep.3: Weeping Peninsula

We look back on our adventures in the Weeping Peninsula. We talk about whether recycling assets makes Michael lazy and discuss what George R.R. Martin maybe have done on the game. We break down our first mini-dungeon in Morne Castle and reflect on felling the Fell Omen, Margitt himself. If you've got any questions for us to tackle, you can contact us on roundtable@rkgvideo.com



Long time lurker, first time interactor. Are these filmed well after you all have filmed more episodes or are they filmed in line with where you are in the game?


Now they're filmed close to when we've done that area in the game, which is ideal. The first few of these were filmed a few weeks after we'd done the bit in the game, because we didn't have time/it was more important to get RETRY footage in the bag. But going forward RTH will be filmed right after we've just done that area, so it's fresh in our minds.


the funny thing about Miyazaki & Martin working together is that Miyazaki didn't ask the producers to work with him because of ASOIAF books but because of a 1982 vampire novel he wrote called Fevre Dream. but also knowing someone who did concept art for this game, artists were allowed (not encouraged) to pay homage if they wanted but nothing incredibly blatant for probably obvious reasons.