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Hey, Krupa here. I want to tell you all about a project I’ve been working on for a couple of months now called Lore MasterClass.

I want to do something on Patreon dedicated to my favourite aspect of the FromSoft games: the lore. I’m interested in exploring it in much greater depth than I ever could on the show, and I want to do that with RKG patrons. I want to create a collaborative research project where we’ll gain a deeper understanding of Elden Ring’s amazing world together.

How are we going to do that?

Each month I’d like us to focus on a different area of interest. There’s so much to cover. It’s important to say this will inevitably feature spoilers for Elden Ring from the very beginning for those who haven't played the game. Everything is on the table from the get-go.

I thought about restricting it to simply what’s been naturally revealed on RETRY: Elden Ring so far, but ultimately it’s too restrictive and what I want to do just isn't possible with that kind of restriction in place. 

I want to us put together a comprehensive exploration of Elden Ring’s lore that can be enjoyed in years to come independent of RETRY. To do that, we need to be able to make connections right across the game from the very beginning. 

After all, piecing together dissociated knowledge never did the lads down at Byrgenwerth any harm.

Below is a little overview of how I see a typical month unfolding.

1. Discord

There’ll be a dedicated channel on the RKG Discord for Lore MasterClass participants. This is where we’ll talk, share ideas, exchange links to interesting videos, and useful resources. It’ll be a meeting place for us to hang out and nerd out about lore on a regular basis.

2. Reading Lists

Don’t worry if you’re not on Discord much, I’ll curate a list of all the best ideas generated in the Discord channel, along with links to useful resources and pertinent videos on that month’s topic and post these on Patreon. Think of these as your lecture notes. You’ll also have these delivered directly to your email, so you can consult them in the future.

3. The Lecture

Having done our research and reading, join me for a monthly livestream where we’ll tackle the topic in greater detail and explore new connections. Hopefully we might even make some new discoveries.

The form of these livestreams will vary depending on the topic in question, but I can see us booting up the game and diving into debug mode to explore details or having a guest on who is particularly passionate or knowledgable about a certain aspect of the game’s lore.

While I’m referring to them as ‘lectures’, this won’t be a stuff talk but an interactive and lively stream, where the game is always centre stage even if we aren’t playing it.

Example of a Possible Lecture Title

4. The Lore Archives

We obviously need a place to record our findings. I want us to build a really rich and useful resource not only for ourselves but other people, too.

I want to do this using a public Miro board. If you don’t know what Miro is, think of it as a big online whiteboard. I love it, and I think it’ll be a great way for us to organise information, collate lore description, and forge connections, big and small, between characters, items, locations, and events.

We’ll build it over time, documenting what we’ve learned. Here’s a little glimpse of the board, which I’ve started populating with some basic information ahead of Lore MasterClass launching.

Initially this will only be for participants of Lore MasterClass. Maybe down the road, when it’s comprehensive, it’ll be something we want to share with the wider Souls community.

How do I get involved?

All Lore MasterClass posts will be published for RKG patrons on our Producer and Posh Slug tiers. You’ll be able to access all these posts via Patreon, its app, or have them emailed directly to your inbox.

Patrons at those tiers will also have access to the Discord channel where we’ll be able to work on lore matters with other patrons and myself on a daily basis.

The livestreams will be on YouTube. Private links will be distributed a week prior to the lecture.

Do you have to take part?

Absolutely not.

How much you get involved is entirely up to you. If you just want to watch the monthly livestreams, you'll end up with a rich and entertaining introduction to Elden Ring’s lore. But if you want to get more involved, there will be plenty of opportunities to do so. But your presence alone is enough for me.

Even though I’m modelling this on a university course to give it a bit of recognisable structure, I want this to be – above all – fun! All ideas and opinions are valid, as is being quiet. After all, people who listen more than they talk are often the smartest.

What's next?

That’s a quick overview of what I want Lore MasterClass to be. I see it as much more than just a monthly show, but an ongoing experience rooted in our amazing community and my passion for these games.

This won't be starting properly until August 7th, when you're receive your first post. But from today, the Lore MasterClass Discord channel will be live for Producers and Posh Slugs who want to chat.


Elden Ring has one of the most expansive and nuanced stories I’ve ever experienced, with hundreds of complex characters and events that span millenia. It has important things to say about power and identity, belief systems and control, and there’s also a big pot man who loves a scrap. 

If you’ve played it, you’ll know it’s amazing, and you’ll also know how much more there is to explore. I’m really excited to do this together.

If you’ve got any questions about Lore MasterClass, pop them in the comments below, and I’ll get back to you shortly.

Krupa x


Dan Kilrea

I often go into my elden ring main characters file and read through the item descriptions of key items. Almost feels like a disjointed book but I enjoy it. This feels like it’ll be a great series. Cheers krupa

Bex Thornton

I was stuck in standstill traffic when the notification for this came through my watch and I couldn't wait to get home so I could read the whole thing! I'm a big book dragon and love lore but never been able to get my head around the lore in these games all the way, which is weird, so looking forward to these sessions to fill that void. Can't wait!

Kohree Hotrum

Can't wait to sit quietly in the back of Professor Krupa's lectures


I bumped my membership just so I can join these. I've spent far too much of my life the past year watching lore videos. Looking forward to the discussions!


I’d just like to throw out Sinclair Lore as an amazing resource of souls knowledge on YouTube :) they’re very underrated and have wonderful theories on everything you could imagine from every game


Barely ever touch Discord but this will be good reason. We need an invite link to join, correct?


Discord is setup through 'Connected Apps' in your Settings on Patreon: patreon.com/settings/apps – all you need is a Discord account first.

Jonathan Cox

Love this, fantastic idea. The lore elements have been a big miss for me personally!


This is an amazing idea! Can't wait to delve into lore in-depth. I think the structure sounds really well thought and I can't wait to join in!


I'm more all-in than a blood vial at the Bloodborne casino. Will post the full hitlist on discord but my very top for lore is Tarnished Archaeologist. Also not sure what you're planning for the discord but its forum channel format could be amazing for collating the lore convos. So hyped!


I haven’t seen too many of their Elden ring videos (mainly bloodborne) but I know they have some good ones on marika


Producer tier is a bit steep for me but this is the kind of show I wanna see! Would love to see more ppt presentations like for chalice dungeons


Hi Krupa, I love this, just wondering if later down the line you'll post vods of these live streams or make them available to lower patron tiers/general youtube audience or if by design its a one time special tailored interactive experience between you and your top supporters only :)

Joey Lacon

Krupa going full lore master, I'm going to be here like madman's knowledge, head exploding.


The honest answer is I don't know at this point. I think it's an interesting idea. We've put this on the Producer tier because it is a significant investment of time to pull something like this together, and without the Patreon, a project like this would probably be hard to justify. I think while it's going out it'll remain a Producer-tier exclusive, and part of that experience is definitely being a part of it live. But I can see a world where 2-years from now, some of what we create gets released in some form for everyone and the wider Souls community. Thanks for the question. It's something I'll definitely think about. - Krupa


I think this is a brilliant idea the lore of all the soulborne games have been the most intriguing thing about them and Elden Ring has some of the most fascinating characters and lore to date.


Finally a chance for the Loremaster to truly shine in his element. All for it.


I’ve missed Summer reading assignments 😜 Can’t wait for this to begin.


Just upgraded my membership, this sounds really exciting...and I do love a Miro board


Dude, this is one of those ideas that feels completely stupid but also just absolutely perfect, I cannot wait for these lectures!


Oh, amazing. Thanks Sharon. I hope you really enjoy it - Krupa


Beyond excited for this!! First two episodes were terrific guys, thank you.


Just upgraded my membership to be a part of this 😍 I cannot wait! Need to be careful I don’t just vomit 17 months worth of investigating into the discord 😂💪🏻


The post mentions August 7th as the first post date, but there hasn’t been anything yet. Is there a new date I’ve missed?


This is such a good idea and I think Krupa will do an amazing job. Always thought he'd make a great teacher. Can't wait!