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Our biggest-ever adventure is coming soon.

Finchy's ready. Are you?

We'll be talking a lot more in the week's to come about what we're doing with RETRY: Elden Ring, how we're going to approach it, and what you can expect as a viewer.

Even if you're not a patron, you can still follow us for free here on Patreon and you'll get all of the public updates sent directly to your inbox. It's the best way to not miss out on the latest RKG news.

There's a lot we're excited to tell you about. But until then enjoy this little trailer we put together.



RETRY: Elden Ring | Teaser

Finchy's ready. Are you? Our biggest adventure starts on July 15. To get all the latest RKG updates sent direct to your inbox, follow us for free at Patreon.com/RKG


Allen Butt

I can't hold in my excitement

Josh Robinson

They had to put the mask on her to get her to STOP eating prawns. It's for her own good.


This is our coronation.

Shaun M

Oh man


I’m so fucking ready for this


Lets go girls


Haha prison finchy


Bless your sluggy hearts


Ahhhhh! I am SO excited. I went on a few weeks ago and left some messages too 😁

Jordan Moyer

Holy Christ in a hand cart I'm so ready for this.

Danny Hartnett

Just in time for my birthday 🥰