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Hey RKG patrons,

You've now all been introduced to the legend that is Aunty Finchy.

We really enjoyed meeting her, too. So much in fact we thought we'd share more of that process with you.

Think of this as an extra Extra Feature on this tier. Elden Ring is such a massive experience, we'll be releasing more features like this whenever the right opportunity comes along in the game.

Enjoy seeing more of your Aunty!

And if you missed it, and want to make your own Aunty Finchy, we posted all of the character slider settings at the weekend in this post.



Making Aunty Finchy | Extended Cut

Hey RKG patrons, here's a little extra Extra Feature. We enjoyed making Aunty Finchy so much we thought we'd show you more of that process. Enjoy!


Alex Hawkins

I want to see a huge collage of all the alternate finchys


Being an older woman myself, I kind of wished Aunty F had some facial hair she had to deal with. 😏