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Hey Patrons,

We really want to make the RKG Patreon a brilliant experience.

As you know, we've got a lot going on behind the scenes right now, and after a lot of planning and investment, it's finally all coming together.

As part of that process, we talking and thinking about our Patreon offering a lot. We want to use Patreon in meaningful and creative ways – we already have some ideas we're developing right now – but we want to know to hear your thoughts around one question...

Is there a reward we don't currently offer that you would love to see?

Please submit any ideas into the form linked up above.

Thank you so much for your help!



RKG Patreon Suggestion Box

Hey RKG patrons, we wanted to create a little suggestion box for the Patreon. We really want to make the RKG Patreon a brilliant experience and things are already underway to do that, but we want your help, too. After all, you're the ones who actually use it.



Sports massage


I know it's a sizable expense on your end to fly out, but would love to see a US event in DC or NY - plenty of folks here who could find a nice pub or beer garden to loan you free venue space.