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Hello Producers, and potential Producers,

Here's a rundown of your exclusive streams for April.

As usual, more details on how to watch will be headed your way closer to the stream's date.

Krupa's Dark Souls 3 Platinum Ep.11

  • (Good) Friday, 7th April @ 6pm BST | 1pm EDT | 10am PDT | 4am AEDT

Hey everyone, shall we try this again?

Unfortunately I wasn’t able to do these streams at Christmas, but feel like giving another shot. It’d be fantastic if you could watch it live and hang out with me while I try and mop up all these remaining achievements.

This time I’m not going to be so ambitious and try to get everything done in one stream, or even putting a number on it. Let’s just see how we go across these two nights?

If you need a little recap, I’ve just done a tour of NG to hoover up anything we can and have just entered NG+. So let’s see how much of that we can tear through.

If you can join live, and help keep me honest or even be summoned, that would be really helpful, as I always love doing these runs with a bunch of warrior slugs. For the company, obviously, but also to help me make fools of bosses

Krupa's Dark Souls 3 Platinum Ep.12

  • (Easter) Saturday, 8th April @ 5pm BST | 12pm EDT | 9am PDT | 3am AEDT

And seeing as it’s Easter weekend, I thought I’d do two nights back-to-back and really make some progress. I might even treat myself to an Easter egg. You should have one too.

I'll be sending out links to Producers and Posh Slugs tomorrow. I hope to see you there!

Krupa x


Liam Rushton

Wonderful news, can’t wait for it. Slugs together! 💕


Get in


Hell yes!! Perfect weekend


Yay. I'll be there

Ben Mitchell

And my wand. 🧙🏼‍♀️


Sounds great, looking forward to this.


And my rolls!

Mark Deehan

Sounds great; unfortunately have plans on Friday but 100% there on Saturday!


Hey guys. New to Patreon. Is there a way to watch the shows after they have been done? Sorry for being thick.