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Hey, everyone. Here’s a little update on what we’ve been up to this month including new shows, new merch and RKG’s new studio.

SPOOKIES: Dead Space

We hope you’ve all been enjoying the new series, SPOOKIES: Dead Space. The reaction to the show, which felt great when we were filming it, has been wonderful to see. It’s nice to get a show of a recently-released game out so quickly.

We’re offering this show on Early Access, but instead of all episodes being available at once, we’re trying something a little different: offering patrons the chance to watch one week ahead. We’ve seen some questions asking why that is, so here’s a good place to explain. Simply, it allows us to get the show out to you much more quickly. We’ve spoken extensively about how much work we put into post-production on our shows – we don’t just quickly top-and-tail footage, but edit it thoroughly with multiple passes, which we strongly believe makes a big difference in how entertaining our shows are. So given those standards, it’s easier to focus on one or two episodes at a time, rather than try to get 12 episodes all to that standard ready at once. If we were going for that, SPOOKIES: Dead Space wouldn’t be available for months. So that's just a little insight into why we're doing it this way this time around.

We realise we live in a landscape where people put stuff out rapidly, but our approach just doesn’t allow for this. New ways of working and the new studio, with its more efficient tech, will allow us to produce our core content in a more timely manner but at the standard we’re happy with. We’re also not saying that we’ll never release a full series at once ever again but we’re fortunate enough to be in a position where we can decide what we think is the best way to release certain shows, and this way felt right for SPOOKIES: Dead Space.

Here’s the playlist for the show if you’re yet to catch-up and if you’re on our Early Access tier then Episode 4 is already available to you

The Lost FinchyFest

We finally released our print, The Lost FinchyFest, after almost three years of work. It’s a real celebration of all things Prepare To Try, Retry, and Finchy, drawing together some of our favourite memories from the last 7 years. Today is the last day the print is on sale, and if you want to know a lot more about how it came into being, we published a really detailed behind-the-scenes look last week. We’ve already seen so many photos of the print in their new homes and your reactions have made all the work we put into the print worthwhile.

Studio Update

We’ve cleared out the space, ordered new desks and core equipment, but the actual build – backdrop, lighting rig, etc. – is still being finalised. This week, we’ll be in a position to decide the final specs of the studio and will be arranging for it to be installed. It shouldn’t take long to get the main fixtures in place. After that, we need to spend a bit of time installing and testing all the new equipment. We’ve designed an entirely new way of capturing our footage, storing it, and making it available to edit, not just in the studio but remotely, too. It’s lightyears ahead of our current set-up (and even the set-up we had at IGN), but before we use it in a real project, we need to test every aspect of it and make sure we’re confident it’s all working as intended.

Retry: Elden Ring is going to be our biggest and most complex project to date, and something we’ll immerse ourselves in for a long time. Because of this we want to make sure we’re in the best position to bring you the definitive playthrough of this epic game and more. As always, this is all thanks to you, our community. Whether you support us directly here on Patreon, or buy our merch, it all helps to fund RKG and allows us to bring you more of the videos you love. Thank you.


Ben Mitchell

Lovely stuff. We love the weekly releases. It makes Spookies Dead Space our Sunday morning cartoons.

Stuart Duncan

Love how you place quality over quantity (and speed), it really is unique in this space.


I quite like the mix of the smaller series dropping 'netflix style' and the main series being the 'Saturday morning cartoon'. It was always weekly when the majority of people got on board, so don't think it's an issue.


I’ve always appreciated how upfront and detailed the updates are. It really sets the expectations and then blows them out of the water once a series drops!

Liam Griggs

I think another benefit to weekly releases is the constant community engagement that keeps building until the final episode drops. Personally though the only downside is because games like dead space and resident evil 4 for example I know I am going to be playing it myself first. So will actually be behind on your run through by the time I have the game myself. Thanks for the update guys keep it up

Mike Fleck

I love the weekly schedule. I’ve even rewatched episodes of Dead Space during the week.


Stop worrying about what a bunch of knobs in the comments think. You guys are awesome. And enough people know that to keep this spunk stained gravy train rolling. Just keep making. We keep payink done deal

Alexander C Chalk

Hmmm Elden Ring Finchy. Can't wait to see what a Finchy can get up to in the lands between! Take all the time you lads need.


Weekly. Monthly. All at once. Big hiatus like Sekiro due to end-of-world scenarios. It doesn't matter to me! I'll be here, enjoying your content, buying the shirts, and supporting the lads. Keep up the stellar work I can't wait to see how you tackle Elden Ring. I'm quite interested to see how Rory handles an open world game. Typically there's some light exploring in the Soulsbourne games, but is he one to wander off and do a random dungeon? Can't wait to find out.


The weekly releases are great. Honestly I have a hard time with impulse control and having having them weekly keeps me from losing an entire weekend to just YouTube binges. I know you might have more important reasons for doing things this way, but just wanted to say that it's also been good for my wellbeing.


I’d much rather have quality shows than a large quantity, too easy for you guys, and us the audience, to burn out.

David Reese

I personally love the week by week release