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Hello Early Access, Producers and Posh Slugs!

Here is your link for next week's episode of SPOOKIES: Dead Space an entire week early.

We’re heading down to the Mining Deck as we’ve heard there might be an SOS beacon down there. Just another for Isaac "Gopher" Clarke. 


RKG x 


SPOOKIES: Dead Space | Ep.7: Into the Void

We’re heading down to the Mining Deck as we’ve heard there might be an SOS beacon down there. Become a Patron & support what we do: Patreon.com/RKG



I thought SOS was Save Our Souls


SOS is just the easiest 2 distinct letters to do. It was originally used so other ships would think "wtf" and investigate. We attached save our souls but frankly it could just have easily become salute our sausage.