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Hey everyone,

Here's your first look at SPOOKIES: Dead Space.

If you didn't read this month's update, the show starts on Saturday, March 11th. We'll be hosting a YouTube Premiere on that date.

Don't know what that is? Well, it's basically a way of debuting the video with a live chat so if you want, you can view it with us and the rest of the community. We'll have more details on that soon.

If you're an RKG patron at the Early Access tier or above, you won't get the entire series all at once. Instead, each Saturday, after a new episode runs, you'll get a link to the next episode one week early.

Powers knew absolutely nothing about Dead Space before we started filming, and now loves the game and wants to know more. It's definitely the most involved game we've ever played under the SPOOKIES banner so expect lots of frustration and deaths along with the scares.

We're excited for you to start watching, and enjoy the trailer!



SPOOKIES: Dead Space | Trailer

In space no one can hear you... Watch the trailer for our brand new series, SPOOKIES: Dead Space. The show starts next Saturday, March 11th. RKG Early Access patrons will always get to watch the next episode early. For more details on how to become a patron, get exclusive content, and support the what we make, head over to Patreon.com/RKG


Joey Lacon

Nice. Interesting way of showing it aswell.

Neil Tillotson

Thought the Double Bill trailer was the best you'd ever done...until this dropped! Stellar work lads, can't wait for this one!


Fantastic trailer fellas. Absolutely class work. Very excited for the 11TH


This has to be the best trailer you’ve ever made! Well done! I can’t wait

Adam Flensborg

That’s actually a nice alternative to the early access usual method. I think it would be cool to mix it up like that in the future! I like getting the Netflix kinda releases but I also burn through them fast. So it’s perfect to also have something more gradually releasing as well! 👌


Thought the last trailer couldn’t be topped, but this is on another level, trying to complete the game before the series starts.


Stellar trailer lads, can't wait!


Top tier trailer!! Loving the homage to original Alien


The amount of content you’re putting out is tremendous! Always brightens my day


I totally respect your view and opinion but i disagree. i feel like this is a step down from what i usually get for this tier but alas, tis the Boys choice and i respect that


It's great to see the boys making the Dead Space trailer in the style of Prometheus. ;)


Ermmm was you guys throwing up gang signs?? xD Can not wait for the spooks to continue! You guys are doing an amazing job dropping loads of content.

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2023-05-18 17:53:30 Does this mean we get episode 1&2 on the 11th?
2023-03-05 20:32:41 Does this mean we get episode 1&2 on the 11th?

Does this mean we get episode 1&2 on the 11th?

Samuel Watts

I think it’s worded to mean that after episode one premiers we will get a link to episode 2. Then when episode 2 premiers we get a link to 3.