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Hey everyone, here’s a little update on what we’ve been up to this month. We’ve got a new show to tell you about and lots to tell you about our studio renovation.

SPOOKIES: Dead Space

Dead Space. What a game!

Powers literally knew nothing about the series before playing it, and now it’s one of his favourite games we’ve ever played.

Despite us getting steadily sick, and Gav drinking 7 lemsips in 24-hours (do NOT try this at home), we filmed it over the course of 4 days. It’s currently in edit, but you won’t have to wait that long to see it.

Day One: Setting Up the Shot

The first episode premieres on Saturday, 11th March, and we’re going to present it as a YouTube premiere, so if you’d like to, you can watch it along with us and the RKG community for the first time live.

Unlike a lot of recent series, we’re not going to be dropping all 12 episodes of SPOOKIES: Dead Space at once. Instead, the first episode will go live for everyone at the same time, and Early Access patrons will always be able to watch the next episode one week early.

Why are we doing this? It’s for a few reasons. We want to continually experiment with our offering on Patreon. There’s no right way to do this, and it’s always about balancing a great experience for the people who can and want to support us directly through Patreon, while maintaining an inclusive experience for those who can’t. We want to continue to innovate on this front in the coming year. We probably will still drop some series all at once, like we just did with the SPOOKIES: Double Bill, but there’s no one-size-fits all with what we’re making and what we want to do in the future. Going forward we want to use Patreon in interesting and surprising ways.


Also, another advantage of doing it this way is it allows us to start airing the show much sooner. If we had to wait to get all 12 episodes done, it wouldn’t be going out until late-April or even May.

We’re really excited for you to see it. It’s definitely the best but also most-involved game we’ve ever had for a series of SPOOKIES. So while there’s plenty of jumps there’s also a lot of combat and deaths, too.

Studio Update

Good news and bad news on the studio front. 

From last month’s update, you may remember we got in Alan to help us paint and get one of our side rooms ready to be turned into the studio we’re going to film all our shows in.

Bad news. We got another man in, Gareth, who specialises in designing bespoke studios, and he said it was too small. Much too small. We knew it was going to be a squeeze, but thought we could put up with the cosiness. Gareth wasn’t having it. He’s recommended us using the main space, as it’s way more suitable and presents a much bigger canvas to play around with.

Initially, this was a little frustrating, as for so long, we’ve mapped out how we’ve wanted to use this amazing space. But after Gareth left, we thought about it a lot and he’s right. We realised why on earth are we trying to cram ourselves into a space smaller than Gav’s spareroom?

The Studio We Never Knew (But it'll make a lovely podcast room)

Now the good news. We realised that filming is at the heart of everything we do, so we should make it the best we possibly can, particularly with a project as massive as Retry: Elden Ring on the horizon. So we’re currently rejigging our plans to build a studio in the main room. We’ll find other uses for the side rooms – one will still definitely be turned into a podcasting studio. But the main room is going to be split into two: one half reserved for our desks; the other, transformed into a proper professional studio.

It’s sometimes hard to see something differently when you’ve lived with one idea for so long. But after spending some time with the new plan, we know this is going to give us much more. Not only will this allow us to record things like Let’s Plays in a more comfortable environment – it opens up the possibility for the other types of things we can record. Now we just need to get Gareth on it.

Right, that’s it for February. We’re excited to get cracking with the studio build over the next couple of months while you enjoy Dead Space and the Double Bill. We’ll keep you updated with how it’s all going, but we’re making progress on the best filming setup we’ve ever had.



David Reese

I enjoy when you release episodes one at a time. The anticipation of a new drop is great compared to having the entire show in my inbox. Good luck with the studio


Great update lads. Very happy with the weekly uploads - your reasons all make sense (and I hate bingeing episodes - I like to soak it all up over a few weeks). And what a legend Gareth is. He clearly knows his stuff and sometimes making you see a different viewpoint is a bitter pill to swallow, but it will be absolutely worth it in the end. Looking forward to everything RKG. To the fools!


Absolutely love these updates and also am glad you can re-evaluate your choices and aren’t beholden to past decisions.

Lady Vengeance

Love all of the inside baseball in these monthly updates. It’s great to see you challenge yourselves continually to improve your offering and your environment. I feel it’s all really reflected in the content lately. Cheers and here’s to an amazing year!

Max Stephens

Man, I guess I’m in the minority - I much prefer being able to binge the series, or at least having that option. that was kind of the main reason I subbed to the Patreon 😅 I totally get that it gives you lads more time, but I’m not gonna lie, it feels a little like that takes away the main perk of being a patron. Looking forward to what other ways you guys intend use the Patreon. Would be cool to see the return of the videos filmed weekly as well if you guys are going back to mainly weekly releases, though I know that’s not really feasible for you. Thanks for the update boys, looking forward to Dead Space :)


I love binging series more then waiting I like going through them at my own time usually but going back to old PTT waiting for Saturday will be nice as well! It’s a great idea to get series out faster then you would otherwise though. Super excited for dead space. Passed on the game myself to experience it for the first time during the series


So does this mean early access will get episode one and two on March 11th if first episode comes out for everyone and the Patreon get one week early? Or will there just be a week break in between the first and second episode on YouTube


i always watch the whole series when it drops within 2 days lol. but id probably prefer at least getting the episode a week early, weekly for patrons. something to look forward too. love your videos


You boys are the absolute best in the business. Honestly. I get so excited for a new drop the same way I do for a new season of my favourite show. I can not wait for Dead Space, going to be a banger. Lots of love boys.


I quite like the idea of the main shows going back to weekly. If a full series is released at once, if I don't practically binge it I tend to forget to finish watching it. That said, if we get more secondary shows/Wednesday releases coming out as full series drops seems like it could be a pretty good balance. But, whatever works best for you lads is obviously the best option.


I was about to come onto the patreon and send in a shield up question about staggering release schedules. So this is a crazyrandomhappystance There's something enjoyable about media scarcity nowadays, having to wait and spend a week discussing things on the discord. (Or maybe a 20 min companion podcast about that episode? Like what TLOU do?) I've been doing a rewatch of old ptt and rkg ds2 and there's some amusing moments where you sort of respond to comments, organic funny moments like "this is a show that is definitely called Retry" Be interesting to hear ya thoughts about that.


Absolutely. We love offering that. Like we say, it's not one-size-fits-all. It's obviously harder to offer with bigger series or more complex shows. At the same time, it feels like a really good, chunky reward if you're a patron. That's always the hard thing to balance for us. What's great for a patron without being alienating if you're not. We'll offer it for some shows or series. No matter what. We'll always try to make being a patron worthwhile. That's key for us.


I like binging new series but I do like that releasing episodes means we get them earlier too, rather than having to edit all of them first. I love the content so the wait between series is the WORST! x