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Hello Producers and potential Producers, 

Here's a rundown of your exclusive streams for December.

As usual, more details on how to watch will be headed your way closer to the stream's date.

The Die Hard Watch Along 2022

  • Thursday, 8th December @ 8pm GMT | 3pm ET | 12pm PT | 7am AEDT

In what has become one of RKG's messier traditions, we shall be storming Nakatomi Plaza once again armed with a bucket full of Ronies. We've had to make this a Thursday evening but it's Christmas and midweek drinking is actively supported and encouraged. 

Krupa's Dark Souls 3 Platinum – The Grand Finale

We're so close. 

How close? 

Well, consulting the spreadsheet, we're 12 trophies off.

What does that actually mean?

To put it another way, we're 39 rings, 3 pyromancers, 2 endings, and 1 sorcery short. Give or take. 

In truth, there's not too much still to do, but to acquire all of those rings and nabbing those two ending achievements requires two entire playthroughs of Dark Souls 3.

Now I really want to get this before finishing for Christmas, so we can start something new in 2023. So I'm proposing a two-part NG+ and NG++ group hoon. Yes, that's right: across the next two streams, on back-to-back nights, we'll be hooning the entirety of Dark Souls 3 twice with the slug squad. 

So I'll need the help of RKG Producers. I'll be summoning in continually, as we try to do this in the bag before Christmas. Put the dates in your diary if you want to get involved and join the slug army.

This Platinum has – for a variety of unfortunate reasons – been over two years in the making. I'd love for as many of you to be there as possible for what should be an epic finale.

Krupa's Dark Souls 3 Platinum | Ep.11: NG+ Plati Hoon

  • Friday, 16th December @ 4pm GMT | 11am ET | 8am PT | 1am AEDT

Krupa's Dark Souls 3 Platinum | Ep.12: NG++ Plati Hoon

  • Saturday, 17th December @ 4pm GMT | 11am ET | 8am PT | 1am AEDT

See you then,



Mark Deehan

Darn it- I had Christmas party plans next Thursday but obviously Die Hard viewing takes priority! BTW, have you seen the trailer for Violent Night? David Harbour as Santa in a Die Hard style film (versus John Leguizamo); probably terrible but sure alcohol makes it better…

Dan Kilrea

I will be there for the second great hoon run in RKG history krupa