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We're so close and yet, depressingly, quite far.

If you've been watching the streams, and previous Grind-a-Thons, you'll know the score. We need to keep killing Silver Knights in search of those minging looking ears or a Proof of a Concord Kept. 22 of them to be precise, and the drop rate last time was less than encouraging.

But over the course of the stream, we optimised our ability to kill them, so I imagine we'll fly through this. I hope anyway. Either way, I'd love you to come keep me company and have a good chat this Saturday.

There's not much scope for co-op when doing this, but I might get bored and need a break, in which case, let's maybe blow off some steam wrecking the bosses in Ariandel together. The password on PlayStation is krupasos

See you on Saturday, 15th October @ 4pm BST | 11am ET | 8am PT | 1am AEST.


Producer Stream: Krupa's Dark Souls 3 Platinum – Ep.8

We're back again, killing Silver Knights in search of precious Proof of Concords. Please keep me company and help me keep my sanity.


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