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Patrons, I need your help.

This weekend I’ll be streaming the next part in my hunt for Dark Souls 3’s Platinum. An important thing to do before we plunge into NG+ is to cross off all the Covenant trophies.

This entails acquiring all of the items for each covenant. Some of these are relatively straightforward, while others will require a fair amount of grinding. All are variations of a theme, and I’ve detailed what we need to do for each one below and where possible, how you can get involved.

If you’re a Producer, I’ll be going through all of this during the stream on Saturday, and there’ll be plenty of time to get involved. I’ve already sent out the post with a link for the stream.

If you’re not a Producer, I just wanted to send this out to everyone in case you wanted to get involved or have a look at what we’re up to this weekend. These Platinum streams are a really nice place to come and hang out and chat with the community while watching me get frustrated with achieving very little.

You can watch the stream this Saturday, kicking off at 4pm BST | 11pm ET | 8am PT | 1am AEST. You can find the link here.

Covenant Items Breakdown

What are we collecting?

Pale Tongues

How many do we have/need?


How do we get them?

  • Invade and Kill Host
  • Grind Darkwraiths before Watchdogs arena

How can you help?

Let me kill you. Using the password, I’ll invade using a red soapstone and I’ll come hunt you.

What are we collecting?

Sunlight Medals

How many do we need?


How many do we have/need?

• Summoning Sunbros for Bosses

• Get Summoned for Bosses

• Grind Lothric Castle Knights

How can you help?

We’re well ahead with this one, having collecting 18 medals so far just by summoning for bosses during the playthrough to this point. I’m not entirely sure how to tackle this one. We can figure this out on the stream tomorrow. Maybe people can summon me and other members of the community in to help you tackle a boss in your own playthrough? Let me know what you think in the comments below.

What are we collecting?

Vertebra Shackles

How many do we have/need?


How do we get them?

• Kill as a Mound Maker

• Kill Invading Mound Makers

• Grind Skeletons in Carthus

How can you help?

For this one we can use a password, and I need you to invade me and challenge me to a duel. Hopefully you won’t all keep decking me, but you don’t have to throw the fight either. (Well, let’s see how long it takes first.)

What are we collecting?

Human Dregs

How many do we need?


How do we get them?

• Grind Devout of the Deep

• Defend Anor Londo from Invaders

How can you help?

We only need 10 total of these. Again, I’m going to turn off the password on the off-chance I can get summoned to protect Anor Londo. But aside from that, it’s killing the clergy for a bit. Shouldn’t be too bad this one.

What are we collecting?

Wolf’s Sword Bloodgrass

How many do we have/need?


How do we get them?

  • Kill Swamp Trespassers
  • Grind Ghru near Keep Ruins

How can you help?

Again, keeping me company. By joining the Blades of the Darkmoon, I’m once again locked out from setting a multiplayer if I want the chance of being summoned to kill trespassers. I’m entirely unsure of how active these covenants are right now, but maybe we’ll get lucky and be able to nab some Bloodgrass this way. But more likely, it’ll be me grinding a Ghru for ages – what Saturdays were made for.

What are we collecting?

Proof of a Concord Kept

How many do we have/need?


How do we get them?

• Protecting Way of Blue Members

• Grinding Silver Knights in Anor Londo

How can you help?

Keeping me company. Unfortunately, having a multiplayer password set disables the way of blue summoning, so I’m on my own in terms of gameplay with this one. And since DS3 isn’t as active as it used to be, I’m expecting very little summoning, so it’s probably going to be all about getting on my luckiest gear and grinding away. So plenty of chat time.


Right, I think that's everything.

I just wanted to give a little shoutout to Ben M for his help pulling together some of the information for me and fielding some of my questions. And if anyone has any tips to add to the above, just stick it in the comments below this post and I'll take a look.

If you're joining on Saturday, see you then!

Krupa x



I wish I had DS3 on playstation now! I'd love to be killed by you, Krupes (that sounded better in my head). I'll do what I can to support you as a viewer instead ❤️


As a recent DSIII 100%er I will say those Proofs of Concord Kept are the HARDEST to acquire.

Steve Wood

Can't believe I'm going to miss this on Saturday (last minute plans changed)! I finished my plat 2 weeks ago and was looking forward to helping out. I will enjoy the on demand viewing later though. I've started my BB plat run so I'll be up to date before that stream starts up!

Ben Mitchell

I love it when a good plan comes together.


yeah the proofs are brutal but we will be here to keep spirits high at least! Also i think with the amount of bosses you have to do to go through NG+ and NG++ you should be fine for sunlight medals just off that right?


Oh boy... I remember doing this in offline mode. Good god that was a LOT of farming!


Absolutely. Sunlight medals will be the easiest to do.


As I've just finished my platinum at worst i can always go to NG+++ and hoon my way through the bosses if you need but yeah i think youll be fine!


Sadly not near my PS right now but just wanted to say good luck - I remember the grueling grind for the proofs of a concord kept. Good hunting!

Ben Mitchell

One thing to add for anyone reading. Drop all the rusted gold coins you can, it'll help a ton with the grinding. Also Krupa, I've got an entirely surplus Sage's Rapier if you want it dropped. A good chunk of discovery, and doesn't count for any trophies.


I think I'm okay with allowing the Sage's Rapier. I should've made it anyway. That works for me. Thank you!

Ben Mitchell

Great. It'll be a decent extra amount of drop rate if you off hand it.


Damn it Krups! I have a archery contest and then I'm working on Saturday 😭


Hell yes! It would be an honor to be invaded by you, Krupes. And I won't have to throw anything because I'm shit at PvP. Thank you for changing the time. I'm willing to help at any hour, of course, but 10 a.m. is a lot more palatable than 7 a.m.!


Happy to be slaughtered for the greater good.