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Hello Hello, you beautiful patrons! 

We hope you've all been enjoying Retry: Demon's Souls, whether you've binged the whole thing on Early Access or are joining us week-to-week on YouTube. Or even rewatching it (which we know some of you beautiful maniacs are doing already).

Seeing the reception to the new series has been incredible, and we're excited about what's next.

Over the coming weeks, we're going to start overhauling the new studio, which we haven't got round to since we moved in as Retry: Demon's Souls was the priority for so many months. So we'll be gradually figuring out how best to use the new space – something we look forward to sharing with you all.

We'll also start filming some new things for you very shortly. It won't be Retry: Elden Ring – not just yet anyway but we've got some projects lined up that we're all very excited about. We'll have more info soon but think deaths. Lots of deaths. 

We've also been working really hard on some brand new pieces of merch which we can't wait to show you. These pieces have been in the works for a very long time, and are quite special, looking back at our journey over the last 6 years to get to this point. More info very soon.

Until then, we hope you enjoy Retry: Demon's Souls and this month's return of something you've all been asking for.

Shield Up

Shield Up has evolved into one of our favourite things to do which increasingly is us kicking back with a beer and directly chatting with you, our community, about the channel, our lives and what we thought of that film we saw last week. 

We've got some absolute bangers of episodes coming your way this month including a whole episode dedicated to Krupa and Gav's thoughts on Jurassic World: Dominion and the return of The Boy Wonder for some boozy podcasts in the sun. 


The Return of Krupa's Dark Souls 3 Platinum Run

Right... where were we? After a slight hiatus, I'm back on the hunt for the bloody platinum trophy. Join me – and please help me – remember where the hell I am and how you even play Dark Souls 3.

Like previously, I'll be summoning in people as often as possible, so if you want to get involved, please pop the date in your calendar and I'll be sending out more details on how you can get summoned.

If you'd like to catch-up on where I left off then all the links can be found on our RKG Producers page

  • Krupa's Dark Souls 3 Platinum Run – Part 5: 23 July @ 1 pm BST | 8pm ET | 5am PT

Posh Slugs

Posh Slugs, join us for a real intimate livestream at the end of the month to ask us anything you want. You'll also be receiving details on how to request your new personalised messages very soon. 

  • 31 July at 6pm GMT | 1pm ET | 10am PT

A huge thanks to everyone for their continued support. As we move into the next phase of production on some new shows, it's inspiring to know we have the backing of the best community on the Internet. 




Hell to the yes on Krupa's Dark Souls III plat run!! I wanted to ask on the Dartmoor stream, but did not want to be too forward. Any day, any time, I will be ready with as much info on my favorite FromSoft game (tied with Elden Ring) as I can fling at everyone.


I purposefully kept DS3 installed on the old Playstation just in case the plattyrun came back. Colour me excited. Though, I too might have forgotten how to play. Elden Ring is close enough though right? I have a horsey in Dark Souls 3 yes?


There's a jump button in Dark Souls III, isn't there?? I also still have it installed on my PS 4 though I normally play on PC....


This is a great update! Can I just add how much I enjoyed the live stream, I know it's not a simple commitment and as with all your stuff do it when you feel it's right but I can't wait for more! 😎❤️

Mark Deehan

Does DS3 involve DLC? Sounds a great month, chaps!

Ian McGarr

The demons souls series was amazing and got me interested in trying it myself and I'm having a blast with it. Thank you lads for all the work you put in.


YES!!!! Plat run is continuing!! Thanks Krupa and lads.

David Reese

Demon's Souls has blown me away so far! Cannot wait to see what the boys do next!


New merch? Yes please! Are there any plans to re release any of the past tees? Sadly I missed the spookies one 😖


Plat run is back I am hyped

Steve Wood

The Plat Run is on my Birthday! It's a sign, I gotta start a new DS3 run.


The merch! I’m excited!

Erling Hansen

Hope it's Returnal 🤣 or Ghost n Goblins