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Hey Producers,

In a slight change to what was billed... this Thursday Krupa and Gav are braving the Welsh wilderness as they go in search of missing villagers and attempt to uncover a mystery.

Is this Wales at its finest? We're not sure, but it's a brand-new PS1-inspired horror game set in Wales, so we have to play it. We don't think it's too long so we're going to try and play it all in one sitting.

So join us for some Fursday Night Frights.

Krupa & Gav x


Chasing Static: A Welsh Horror Adventure

Join Krupa and Gav as they venture into the remote Welsh wilderness as they explore a forgotten facility and find the truth behind the missing villagers.



This is going to be good!


Aww love a good Gav and Krupa stream! Looking forward to this 😁