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Hello Producers! 

Here are your links to watch my Max Payne 3 playthrough this week: 

Part 1 | Thursday, 8th July: 6pm BST | 1pm ET | 10am PT 

Part 2 | Friday, 9th July: 6pm BST | 1pm ET | 10am PT 

This is basically going to be like watching an action film where I'm controlling everything so don't worry if your knowledge of Max Payne is non-existent. 

I've been listening to the Max Payne 3 soundtrack all week in preparation for this - it really elevates doing the big shop to dramatic levels. Basically what I'm saying is I am very excited.

See you soon! 

Gav x 


Gav Plays Max Payne 3 - Part 1

You know how much Gav bloody loves a favela so join him for Part 1 of his full playthrough of Max Payne 3.



Man when the soundtrack really kicks off in the last level... one of my all time favourite gaming moments!!


This is the reason I decided to hop on the Producer bandwagon. Thank you for giving this game some life, Gav. Can't wait to watch this and all the other content.