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Is Shield Up cheugy? 

On this week's episode we talk about drunken misadventures, fighting in prison and our new word of the day: CHEUGY.

Send your questions, problems, funny stories and Minging or Fair Plays to: bit.ly/ShieldUp 

Stay safe and keep your shield up.





I spent way too much time thinking about this whole cheugy thing, but given that examples range from Mr. Brightside to Baby Yoda, it seems to be less about generations and what was popular when and more about how much people get into something. Like taking something that may have been interesting or fun for a short while and then never letting it go - basically the difference between finding Pickle Rick amusing for the duration of the episode and putting it on a t-shirt and beating a dead horse with it. I’m going to guess that people who make such lists take issue with people who unironically enjoy something way past its sell-by date. Whether or not that’s because back in the day we had to make trends and shows last a bit longer and couldn’t just move on to the next tiktok immediately I’ll leave to someone else to figure out :D Anyway, thank you for coming to my TEDtalk, which undoubtedly is a cheugy way to end this comment.


I love any interaction with the public Gav has