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Here’s a rundown of what’s coming to the channel and our Patreon exclusives for April.

The UK’s vaccination programme is on track, things are slowly opening up again and we’ll soon be drinking Ronies in a beer garden. If things continue to improve, we’re planning on getting back in the studio for April and filming some more shows to give us the time to make Retry: Demon’s Souls this summer exactly how we want to.

That means no social distancing whatsoever – but more importantly, time for us to be together and work on pre-production for the new series of Retry. We want to do some things a little differently this time around in terms of production. We know that sounds very cryptic without specifics but we’re excited to tell you more in the months ahead. Thank you for all of your patience and support.

Early Access - $10 per month

SPOOKIES: Maid of Sker will still be available on Early Access, but we’ll have an entirely new show to drop on Friday, April 30th. That’s 4 new episodes all available at once.

We managed to film this right at the end of 2020 before lockdown came back into effect here in the UK. We won’t reveal what that is just yet, but as a little tease, it involves us playing 26 different games. Any guesses?

Shield Up

Shield Up will be tackling some big and important topics, as always, and Krupa will be returning to the podcast from April 17th. It’s not a minute too soon as we really could’ve done with his input on whether it’s minging to drink puddle water. Also, please don’t drink puddle water.

Producer Streams - $20 per month

Something a little bit different this month. We love calling this tier the Producer Tier, and want to deliver a bit more on that title. So for April we’re digging into the archive and presenting you with some material that never saw the light of day with some insight on why.

April 4th: The Unaired Shield Up Pilots

First up, we’ve got the original pilot episodes that we filmed for Shield Up. These three videos were recorded (on camera, not just audio) back in September 2017, over a year before we left IGN. At the time we were planning on launching these as their own channel, but we’ll explain more in the post accompanying the episodes.

April 18th: Never Have I Ever… Seen 2001: A Space Odyssey

Producers may also remember us once asking you to fill out a form regarding 2001: A Space Odyssey. What was that about? That’s a legitimate question. It was for a podcast we were developing called Never Have I Ever… in which one of us finally got around to watching/playing/reading something really famous and influential. First up, Powers watched Kubrick’s SF epic.

We’ll go more in-depth about why we didn’t make more of these in the post, but we hope it’ll give a good insight into how we go about making things.

Posh Slugs – $100 per month

And as always, we’ll be rounding out the month with our exclusive Q&A where you can ask whatever you like, whether that’s what we’re currently playing, future projects, or how Coco and Ramen’s inevitable romance is getting on.

Posh Slug Q&A – Saturday, April 24: 9pm GMT | 4pm ET | 1pm PT



Mark Deehan

Sounds like another winner! Be great to see Krupes again. Note to self: stop drinking puddle AND piddle water...

Lady Vengeance

Love you lads. Cannot wait for all of the excited things ahead, and to see our friend Daniel again. I do hope he’s doing well. Interested to read more about the changes to Retry—big surprise there! Seemed like a perfect product. Now we’re in for the next evolution.

Lady Vengeance

Also, for the secret new shoe, 26 different games. Sounds like it could potentially be another round of “Is the Game Better than the Movie?” What franchise could have spawned 26 games is the question?

Thomas Carlson

So excited to have Krupa back been missing him on shield up so much I’ve been watching his dark souls platinum videos. But Gav.... I want to drink the puddle.🤮


Welcome back, Krupa :)


I have exactly ZERO guesses as to what 26 games you guys are playing 😆


Welcome back Krupa!


Great to hear Krupa is returning!


Great to hear that Krupa's back! Hope all is well!


Legit got emotional when I read that Krupa will be back. Great to have you back, mate! Really excited about all the future content you guys are planning


Welcome back, Daniel! You've been missed.


Welcome back Daniel!!! Much love to you!!